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Recap / Legends of Tomorrow S4 E9 "Lucha de Apuestas"

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The Legends confront Mona over Konane's disappearance, forcing them to make tough choices.


  • 555: Hank's phone number is revealed to be 208-555-0102.
  • All Part of the Show: To an extent: when the Time Bureau agents show up at the climactic bout to take in Konane, Ray and Constantine begin fighting the agents as Charlie spins this as an attempt to censor the wrestling bout, and how they will not take that shit lying down.
  • Big Damn Heroes: When one of the agents has Konane at gunpoint, El Cura uses his finishing move to save him.
  • Black Comedy: Mick shot Mona with a tranquilizer gun under the impression that it was a real gun.
    Nate: Did you just try to shoot her shoot her?
  • Break the Cutie: At the end of the episode, poor Mona is not so innocent anymore...
  • Broken Masquerade: When Zari shows Nate evidence that the security footage that seemingly implicated Mona was in fact doctored, she reveals that a cellphone number is tied into portions of the footage being deleted...which Nate realizes is Hank's phone number.
  • Call-Back:
    • Mona is a fan of "Rebecca Silver", Mick's pen name.
    • For a team building exercise, Ray has created a trivia card game about many of the team's previous adventures.
    • When trying to convince Ray to go against Sara's order against time traveling, Constantine and Charlie call him "Rayge", the punk alias he used when infiltrating Charlie's gang.
    • Hank's benefit is for people suffering from hemophilia, the condition Nate had before he got his powers.
  • Censored for Comedy: When Ray shows Sara the petition to be her Number Two with theteam's signatures, Mick's "signature" is "Go [bleep] [bleeeeeep], Haircut", with the two middle words being redacted by Ray.
  • Clear My Name: The plot of the episode centers around Mona being falsely accused of letting Konane escape confinement while she insists that he was being taken away. While the other Legends and her go after Konane, Nate and Zari discover that the security cam footage was doctored, and that Hank was directly involved.
  • Downer Ending: Ava and Sara break up, Konane is murdered, Mona now appears to be half-werewolf, and if the last scene with Hank is any indication, the Legends have now lost the good will they have with the Bureau.
    Mona: You were right...there's no such thing as happily ever after.
  • Dramatic Irony: In the previous episode, Charlie (disguised as Ava) was shocked to see the Legends (Sara in particular) callously decide to murder a magical creature instead of trying any other alternative. Here, Sara is shocked to see Ava callously decide that Hank wanting to weaponize magical creatures is completely fine by her.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Ava, after Sara decides to go up against the Bureau agents, shortly before breaking up with her.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • The Legends are appalled by what Hank's black-ops team is doing to the fugitives. Ava, however, is not, both due to Fantastic Racism and because she's afraid that pissing off Hank will mean that she'll lose her job and the Bureau will be dissolved.
    • Gruff and cynical though he may be, Mick is visibly affected by Mona and Konane's doomed romance, and he's horrified to see Konane and the Time Bureau agent dead, and Mona covered in blood and desolate.
  • Fantastic Racism: Ava makes it clear that between humans and magical fugitives, she'll protect the safety of the former at any expense to the latter.
  • Foreshadowing: Mona is a fan of one of Mick's novels, and she compares herself and Konane to one of the couples in it. Unfortunately, Mick as the author knows that it won't end happily ever after for them...cue the Downer Ending for Konane and Mona.
  • From Bad to Worse: At first, it seems like recapturing Konane following him being scheduled to fight El Cura would resolve things. Then Gideon informs Ray, Charlie and Constantine that the timeline has been altered to the extent that rumors of government censorship concerning his disappearance sweep across Mexico, followed by rioting.
  • Fugitive Arc: At first only for Mona and Konane, but then the Legends get targeted by the Bureau too.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Mona for the Legends.
  • Headbutt of Love: How Konane and Mona say their goodbyes to each other. A case of Shown Their Work, because the gesture is a honi, equivalent to a kiss in Hawaiian culture.
  • Hidden Depths: Constantine, to the mild surprise of his teammates, is a fan of Lucha Libre and Mexican cinema; according to him, the writers of Mexican monster movies from the '60s had a better handle on magic than Hollywood "toss-pots".
  • Homage: To Mexican luchador films, many of which had masked wrestlers fighting monsters, including, of course, werewolves; more than once, said monsters would disguise as wrestlers to fight the heroes on their own field. El Cura, as said above, is the Arrowverse's equivalent of El Santo, who starred in many of these movies.
  • Hulk Out: Enraged that Konane was senselessly killed in spite of everything that transpired that episode, Mona transforms into a werewolf, presumably due to the scratch two episodes prior, and murders the agent that killed him.
  • Hypocrite: Ava of all people should know what it's like to be dehumanized, yet she shows some very strong Fantastic Racism towards the magical fugitives, ignoring their plight in favor of her career.
  • Inspector Javert: The Bureau, and Ava in particular, turn into this for the Legends.
  • In the Back: How one of the Time Bureau agents kills Konane.
  • It's All About Me: Ava accuses Sara of this during their fight when it's clear that she's the one with this attitude, caring more about keeping her job inspite of Hank's dubious actions.
  • I Want Grandkids: Nate's mom, who thinks that Zari is his new girlfriend.
  • Jaded Washout: El Cura, who has fallen from grace since Konane became the star of the ring. He then challenges Konane to a fight to reclaim his honour.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: The first new episode after a long hiatus sees Gary say this to Sara and Ava (who are dropping off the possessed Puppet Stein to the Bureau at the same time as the incident with Konane's escape is revealed):
    Gary: [relieved] Ooooooooh thank God, you're back.
  • Loss of Identity: Gary's attempt at wiping Mona's memory at the hospital backfires when a struggle over the memory gun results in wiping Gary's mind instead. When he wanders back to the Time Bureau following this, he rants to Ava about how he has no idea who he is, or why he's missing a nipple. The next time we see Gary, it's suggested that Ava had it undone off-screen.
    Gary: [panicked] Where's my nipple? WHERE'S MY NIPPLE?!
  • Make Up or Break Up: Sara tries to make amends with Ava, but the couple still break up due to inhabiting two different realities: Sara and the Legends' Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right! mentality is clashing with Ava's job as a government bureaucrat where pissing off the wrong person in the hierarchy, even if it's the right thing to do, will have far-reaching consequences.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Charlie and Constantine take a moment to express their disbelief at the names of some of the Legends' past foes.
    Charlie: Oh, come on. "Vandal Savage"? That's a real name?
    Constantine: And here I thought Damien Darhk's handle was a bit too on the nose.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Had Ray, Sara and Rory not used a Van in Black to go after Mona and Konane, Mona wouldn't have sent Konane to 1961 Mexico City to hide him (as she assumes they were the people who tried taking him the first time).
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: El Cura is an obvious stand-in for El Santo, as a legendarily popular heroic luchador with a simple costume who also appeared in movies and comics. The only difference is his outfit is gold rather than silver. Even better: there is a movie where El Santo fights a wolfman.
  • Not So Stoic: Despite Ava's justification of Hank's immoral actions and refusal to heed Sara's pleas in favor of keeping her job, she begins crying after ordering Sara to leave.
  • Number Two: Ray seems to have been officially promoted to this position by a petition signed by the other Legends and Sara's reluctant consent.
  • Rabble Rouser: Charlie riles the crowd against the Time Agents by grabbing a microphone and demanding the crowd not allow themselves to be censored.
  • The Scapegoat: Hank is behind the Men in Black and fully intends to throw poor Mona under the bus to keep anybody from digging deeper.
  • Ship Tease: There's a moment of awkwardness when Zari agrees to go to Hank's charity gala as Nate's Not a Date and clarifies that she won't be pretending to be his girlfriend.
  • Shout-Out: Mona compares herself to Fox Mulder when she realizes there's a conspiracy hiding their traces and putting the blame on her.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Even before Konane gets shot, Mona decides that she can't come with him to Hawaii, since she just doesn't belong there.
  • Stock Scream: One of the Bureau Agents lets out a Wilhelm scream during the brawl at the ring.
  • Sudden Downer Ending: While things are hardly sunshine and roses (Sara and Ava's relationship falls apart, the Legends lose their goodwill with the Time Bureau, and Nate has to risk his and Hank's recent bond to do the right thing), events seem to at least come to a Bittersweet Ending with Konane (and the history of Mexico) being saved. Then, a Time Bureau agent shoots Konane in the back, triggering Mona's transformation into a Kaupe and her killing him, leaving the poor girl crying over the bodies of two people that needn't have died at all.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Ava has become quite jarringly callous and values human life more than the lives of the Fugitives, even being okay with Hank taking and experimenting on them; though there are hints that she's just playing politics to keep her job.
  • Undercover as Lovers: When Zari needs to go to the benefit with Nate to get something from Hank, they both agree not to "do that stupid thing where we pretend to date." Then they do it anyway.
  • Wham Shot:
    • After confronting Hank about the doctored footage and seemingly being okay with his actions (on the grounds that he be let in on events more), Hank leaves Nate's office...whereupon Zari sneaks out from hiding and, after confirming she copied the footage from Hank's phone, Nate tells her to keep digging.
    • Mona turning into a creature resembling that of Konane.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Who would've thought that Konane was such a talented wrestler?
  • You Are in Command Now: Ray convinces Sara to make him acting captain while she's attending the ball to speak with Ava. And of course he goes against her specific orders not to time travel.
  • You Have to Believe Me!: Mona's initial attempt of convincing Sara that there is a conspiracy going on is...not exactly convincing.
