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Recap / Homestar Runner Jibblies 2

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Airdate: Monday, October 29, 2007

Costumes (in order of appearance): Strong Mad as Nikolai Volkoff, The Cheat as Penfold, Strong Bad as Beetlejuice, Marzipan as Prince, Homestar Runner as Artie the Strongest Man in the World, Strong Sad as a fat kid from The Far Side, Pom Pom as a Cacodemon, Bubs as Ross from You Can't Do That on Television, Coach Z as the So So Def Recordings logo, the King of Town as the Rev. Al Sharpton, the Poopsmith as Doc Brown, Homsar as the "Noony Noony Noo" typewriter.

The Horrible Painting wreaks havoc on the citizens of Free Country, USA.


  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Strong Bad asks Bubs if he can sell him some monster-hunting supplies.
    Strong Bad: Bubs, Bubs! We're gonna need garlic, crosses, silver bullets, holy water, and VHS copies of Pumpkinshead 2 through 4!
  • Attack Backfire: In the obligatory Homsar scene, Homsar being Homsar, the Horrible Painting's spell has no effect on him. Instead, Homsar deflects the spell back at the painting, saying "I'm a touchy-feely-holic!", causing it to get the jibblies! Even as the painting tries to cast the spell on Homsar, it says "Come on in here" with uncertainty.
  • Are We There Yet?: After promising to stay with the Rocoulm for all eternity, Homestar ends up asking him "So, is it eternity yet?" at the end of the cartoon.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Before this toon came out, there was a special teaser toon showing all the characters in their costumes in silhouette — all except Strong Bad, that is, who was apparently dressed like a Xenomorph. In the actual toon, Strong Bad wears a very different costume. This is lampshaded at the very end of the toon during the usual costume round-up:
    Coach Z: Hey, Strong Bad! I thought you was gonna dress up as the alien this year!
    Strong Sad: Xenomorph! Xenomorph!
    Strong Bad: Yeah, I was gonna, but when I got to Hammacher Schlamaacher's, they were all sold out. I did get an awesome Shiatsu massage wine opener, though.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • At the end, Homestar, being dressed as "the strongest man in the world", asks Pom Pom to give him the gold trophy the latter had won in that contest. Pom Pom does so — by throwing it at his head.
    • The Horrible Painting first originated in the Strong Bad Email "bottom 10", which Strong Bad describes as number 9 on his bottom ten (the jibblies, incidentally, occupy slot number 11). As in that toon, the painting is first seen in Strong Mad's closet, where it manages to give Strong Mad the Jibblies before getting out.
  • Covered in Gunge: During the costume round-up, Bubs asks Marzipan if she knows who he's supposed to be. When Marzipan replies "I don't know," she gets doused in green slime (as a nod to a Running Gag from You Can't Do That On Television, the source of Bubs' costume).
  • Department of Redundancy Department: As Homestar walks up to him, Strong Bad is yelling at the Stick, "...your stupid face, and your STUPID FACE!"
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Homsar in the Easter Egg manages to reflect the jibblies back onto the Horrible Painting.
  • Dwindling Party: The characters succumb to the jibblies one by one, starting with the "good characters" before finishing off with the "lame characters" (except for Homestar and Homsar).
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Parodied. Homestar willingly chooses to stay in the Creepy Painting to be its eternal houseguest to free his friends from the Jibblies... only Homestar doesn't know what eternity means and the episode ends with Homestar trapped in the painting, asking if it's eternity yet.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: Strong Bad gushes over how adorable the Stick's costume is, but once The Cheat leaves, he tells the Stick he hates it. Homestar later tells the Stick he hates it as well.
  • Hypno Ray: Green, circular rays emanate from the Horrible Painting whenever it says, "Come on in heeeere..."
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Marzipan gets these when under the jibblie spell.
  • Mole Men: Strong Bad tells Homestar they'll have to live in a cave until they mutate into mole people after everyone else falls under the spell of the Horrible Painting.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Despite being called "Jibblies 2", this cartoon isn't actually a sequel to any of the previous toons. Strong Sad lampshades this, asking if there was ever a "Jibblies 1".
  • No-Sell: Homestar is unaffected by the jibblie spell, instead taking his request to "come on in here" at face value and enter the painting to talk to the Rocoulm.
  • Number of the Beast: Marzipan's answering machine has 666 messages.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Strong Bad exclaims, "Not again!" in a weird accent when the Horrible Painting casts its jibblie spell on him.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Unusually, Strong Bad smiles throughout almost the entire cartoon, likely to better show off the teeth of his Beetlejuice costume. The only time he stops smiling is right before the Horrible Painting gives him the Jibblies.
  • Pet the Dog: Strong Bad mentions that "all the good characters" have succumbed to the jibblies first (before moving on to the "lame characters"). Evidently, he must think that Strong Sad is a good character, since the "good characters" montage includes him.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: When the Horrible Painting gets to Strong Bad, it casts its spell on him in this way: "Come. On. IN HEEEERE!"
  • Razor Apples: Strong Bad and his posse apparently have a stash of "razor-blade candy apples", and sends off The Cheat to prevent Strong Mad from getting into the stash.
  • Reaching Between the Lines: The Horrible Painting casts its jibblie spell on Marzipan by leaving it as a message on her answering machine, with the green rays emanating from the speaker.
    Strong Bad: Jibblies via phone lines?! It's worse than I thought!
  • Shout-Out:
    • The first shot of the cartoon is Strong Mad looking into a "TIME Magazine Man of the Year" mirror, which is much like the one the Dude uses in The Big Lebowski.
    • One tarot card that Strong Sad deals Pom Pom is called "The Clutch of Glaives". Another is called "The Cult of Ray", which alludes to Frank Black's album of the same name (and the art on the card is the same as the album art).
    • The Stick, for once, gets a costume in this episode: Lowly Worm.
  • Talking with Signs: When the Poopsmith affected by the jibblies, his mouth quivers, then he holds up a sign reading "Jibblie jibblie".
  • Tempting Fate: While in the shower, Coach Z says, "When it's Hallowern night and there's an insane painting running around, there's no safer place for a pretty young thing like me than in the shower!" Guess where the Horrible Painting casts its spell on him?
  • Tarot Motifs: Played with. Strong Sad and Pom Pom are at the Bar reading tarot cards, but none of the cards they draw are real tarot cards and Strong Sad keeps claiming all the ones he draws mean Pom Pom should "stop hogging all the hot chicks". Eventually, they draw a card with the monster in the Horrible Painting on it, which teleports the painting to the Bar where it gives them both the Jibblies.
  • Un-Installment: The lack of a "Jibblies 1" is discussed during the costume round-up at the end.
    Strong Bad: Horror movies don't need first movies anymore. This is the reboot of the reimagining of the reinvention of the original!
    Strong Sad: "Original" and "horror movie"? Not these days.
  • Waking Non Sequitur: As the jibblie spell is broken, Strong Bad says, "Jibblie jibblie jibblie Super Scope 6!"
  • World's Strongest Man: Homestar is dressed as Artie the Strongest Man in the World. At the end, being dressed as such, he asks Pom Pom to give him the gold trophy the latter had won in the Strongest Man in the World contest.
  • You Say Tomato:
    • When Coach Z is affected by the jibblies, he goes, "Jorbilie, jorbilie, jorbilie..."
    • Likewise, when the King of Town hears about the jibblie spell being cast, he calls it a "giblet flu". When the Horrible Painting casts its spell on him, he goes, "Giblet, giblet, giblet..."
