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Recap / Danny Phantom S 2 E 2 Doctors Disorders

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"It Will Leave You In Stitches!"

Produced 2004, aired in U.S. on 7/15/05

Production order: 22 (2-2)

Casper High is under attack by a swarm of ghost mosquitoes that proceed to attack every student except Tucker and Danny. But the bugs don't bite them — they phase into their skin, stay there, and cause them each to develop a different, random uncontrollable ghost power. Danny learns a little too late that it's all a plot by Spectra to get herself a new body. With Sam, Jazz, and all their classmates locked in an Abandoned Hospital outside town, and Danny captured by Spectra, it's up to Tucker to save the day... if he can get over his phobia of hospitals first.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Abandoned Hospital: The North Mercy Hospital, where most of the plot takes place. Bertrand even refers to it as "the creepy, old, abandoned hospital at the edge of town".
  • Afraid of Needles and Terrified of Germs: These are the reasons Tucker hates hospitals.
    Tucker: Nurse's offices, doctor's offices, hospitals — anything that has sharp, pointy objects and the smell of sick people.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: Tucker uses this method to get around the hospital unseen.
  • All Up to You: To Tucker. He not only rescues Danny but cures everyone affected by the ghost bugs.
  • Asteroids Monster: In the opening of the episode, Danny is fighting a giant mosquito. After causing it to hit some electrical wires, it splits into thousands of normal sized mosquitoes which go on to be the cause of the episode's problems.
    Danny: Well, one down...a billion to go.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: Bertrand, in the guise of a doctor, cons the parents of the Casper High students into allowing him to keep them in quarantine by claiming to be from the government and threatening to audit their taxes if they don't.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Spectra wanted Fenton DNA and she certainly got what she wanted, just not from the right Fenton.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Mr. Falluca gets attacked in the Cold Open by a giant ghost mosquito.
  • Big "NO!": Danny screams this when Spectra throws the jar containing Jazz’s ghost head.
  • Brick Joke: At the beginning of the episode, Tucker thinks of a modeling agency as his Happy Place when he passes the nurse’s office. This comes back around later when he’s crawling through the hospital’s air vents to try to save the day.
    Tucker: Okay, I’m not in an air vent in a spooky hospital. I’m in an air vent in a totally not spooky modeling agency.
    • And it comes back for a final time when he sees Spectra in her hot new body: “I am in a modeling agency!”
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Tucker's "Foley" cologne ends up coming in quite handy during the climax due to its ability to drive away the ghost mosquitoes (not to mention everything and everyone else).
    • Danny was given a snot-covered tissue by Jack early on in the episode. Guess what he uses to thwart Spectra's plan to get his DNA?
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: When Dash, under the influence of the ghost bug that bit him, becomes a ghostly beast, Danny tries to use it as an excuse to punch him, only for Dash to turn back.
    Danny: Uhh, and just one cheap shot away from a semester full of payback.
  • Custom-Built Host: Obsessed with being young, powerful and beautiful and needing to regularly feed off misery to maintain her own, Penelope Spectra attempts to cut out the middleman, infecting the Casper High students with ghost mosquitoes so that she can isolate them and harvest their DNA to create herself the perfect host body.
  • A Day in the Limelight: For Tucker.
  • Deadly Dodging: While being chased by the giant mosquito, Danny stops in front of some electrical wires and flies up just in time for the mosquito to run into the wires instead of him.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Spectra can't stop talking about how badly she wants Danny's DNA and ties him to a table so she can take it by force. By sucking it out of him with a hose. What kind of DNA sample was she expecting to get, exactly...?
  • Double Entendre:
    Sam: You'd scream too if you were stuck in a sleepover with [Paulina]!
    Danny: Actually, uh, I kind of doubt that.
  • Dramatic Irony: Upon hearing about what the ghost bugs supposedly did to the kids, Danny's parents dismiss it, claiming everyone knows that humans can't have ghost powers.
  • Face Your Fears: To save Danny and everyone else, Tucker is forced to confront his fear of hospitals. Of course, even after the experience, he still doesn't care for them, especially when he gets laid up in an actual hospital with a kooky old man for a roommate.
  • Fairest of Them All: Spectra orchestrated the whole thing so she could get the kids together and use their DNA to make herself a new, beautiful, young, strong body.
  • Fanservice Costumes: Tucker is pretty impressed with Spectra's new outfit and mistakes her for a model. It's short lived though, as Spectra starts to resemble Jack.
  • Faux Horrific: Sam screams, making Danny think she’s in danger. However, it’s just because she learned she has Paulina for a roommate in the hospital.
  • Foreign Queasine: When Dash is in a bathroom stall saying he doesn't feel so good, Danny initially chalks it up to something that usually happens when it's Goulash Day in the cafeteria. Then a barrage of ghost rays fires from Dash's stall.
    Danny: Although, I've never seen goulash do that.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: Spectra needs Danny's powerful ghost DNA to complete her new body. Danny slips a sample of his dad's mucus from a tissue in instead. The results are gross.
  • Happy Place: Sam tells Tucker to “find a happy place” when he’s freaking out about having to walk past the nurse’s office.
    Tucker: Right, right! I’m not passing a nurse’s office, I’m passing a…modeling agency!
  • Hit Flash: Well, more a “snot splat” than a “hit flash”, seen when Danny finally punches out Spectra.
  • Hypocritical Humor: When Spectra's ghost guards start coughing after Tucker sprays his cologne, he has this to say:
    Tucker: Oh, please. You're ghosts. Do you have any idea what you smell like?
  • I'm Standing Right Here: While talking to Danny, Paulina insults Sam by calling her “Susie Nobody”. Sam then reminds her that she can hear everything she’s saying since she’s floated to the ceiling above them because of her ghost powers.
  • If I Do Not Return: Before he goes off to find Danny, Tucker ties Sam to an IV pole to keep her from floating up to the ceiling and says “If I’m not back in five minutes…just float there, okay?”
  • Imperfect Ritual: Spectra wanted Danny's DNA in order stabilize her new form, but because Danny slipped in Jack's blown tissue in its place, Spectra ended up transforming into a large, hulking mucus blob.
  • Instant Expert: Danny's understandably annoyed when he sees Kwan is able to split into 8 copies without even trying.
    Danny: Are you kidding? I've been trying to do that trick for months! That is so wrong!
  • Ironic Echo: "Still technically not a cry for help".
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Sam agrees when Paulina tells Danny (in his ghost form) about how nobody in the hospital is telling them anything or helping them.
  • Knockout Gas: Bertrand uses this on Danny in order to capture him for Spectra.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Kwan and Star laugh at Jazz when she gets bitten by a mosquito, and then immediately afterwards they get bit themselves.
  • Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: An intentional example carried out by Sam. When Danny gets knocked into Paulina during his fight with Spectra, she starts to flirt with him. Sam, who's hovering nearby, loosens one of her boots and lets it fall on Danny to ruin the moment. After Spectra is defeated and the ghost bugs neutralized, she asks for it back after she falls on Tucker.
  • Losing Your Head: When Danny finds Jazz in the hospital, she’s become nothing but a floating head in a jar due to her newly acquired ghost powers.
  • Makeup Weapon: Tucker uses a lipstick blaster against some enemies and to break Danny free of Penelope Spectra's ghost-proof restraints.
    Tucker: Plasma peach, it’s great for kissing!
  • Me's a Crowd: The ghost power Kwan gets is the ability to split himself into identical copies, much to Danny’s irritation.
  • Mosquito Miscreants: This episode features ghost mosquitoes that don’t bite, but rather phase into their victim’s bodies.
  • Nightmare Face: When Bertrand starts transforming, his face becomes so grotesque that even Danny looks scared.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: In response to helping Danny defeat Spectra and curing the kids of the ghost bugs despite his fear of hospitals, how does the universe reward Tucker? By having Sam fall on him, breaking his leg, getting him laid up in an actual hospital for eight to ten weeks, followed by giving him an elderly roommate named Carl who jabbers on about nonsense, and then having his friends flat out abandon him.
  • Nose Nuggets: Spectra turns into a giant snot monster, courtesy of being merged with Jack’s snot-filled tissue.
  • Obligatory Joke:
    • "What's up, Doc?". Major kudos to David Kaufman for managing to make that line sound genuinely badass.
    • Also:
    Danny: (after Spectra accidentally turns herself into a giant humanoid-figure of snot) There's a "you blew it" pun here somewhere, but I'd rather not...
    Spectra: Let's boogie!
    Danny: See, that's the kind of pun I was avoiding with the whole "blew it" comment...
  • Open-Fly Gag: Tucker dives and just barely catches the jar Jazz’s ghost is stuck in only for her to point out, as she’s facing his body, that his fly is down.
  • Perfumigation: For this episode Tucker is using cologne, of his own design, that reacts with the wearer's body chemistry to smell different to everyone who smells it. What people end up smelling is odd enough to comment on and gross enough to repel them. Luckily it also wards off the ghost mosquitoes, keeping him from being infected.
  • Pinned to the Ground: After she regains her youth, Penelope Spectra pins down Danny by stomping on his chest with her foot thinking about how to destroy him.
  • Plague Episode: The main premise of the episode is that almost the entire student body of Casper High is infected by ghost mosquitoes, giving them a strange disease that makes them develop ghost powers.
  • Possession Burnout: Spectra's plan is to use ghost mosquitoes to possess and infect the students of Amity Park with a virus. As a side effect they develop random ghost powers which they can't control that she states will eventually burn out and wither their bodies into husks.
    Spectra: (Chipper) Won't that make a great class photo?
  • Power Floats: The ghost power Sam gains when she's infected, causing her to float uncontrollably.
  • Quarantine with Extreme Prejudice: Due to the mosquito-spread ghost disease, Mr. Falluca quarantines the infected students inside the school; blocking the front doors off with caution tape and not letting their parents see them.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Before merging with her new body, Spectra’s ghost is just a black form with glowing red eyes, Scary Teeth, and Fog Feet.
  • Scary Stinging Swarm: The ghost mosquitoes. Unlike real mosquitoes, however, instead of biting, they phase into people's skin.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Dash goes running and Screams Like a Little Girl after Bertrand transforms in front of him.
  • Shoot the Television: Not done on purpose, but due to Dash being unable to control the ecto blasts he's discharging, he ends up blasting a television while he was watching a Soap Opera.
    Dash: Darn. Right at the part where he says "You complete me".
  • Shout-Out:
    • See the aforementioned Obligatory Joke.
    • Tucker references L’Oreal while talking about the lipstick blaster, “It’s a lipstick and an ecto-blaster, because I’m worth it”.
  • Sickly Green Glow: Paulina gets one after she gets bitten by the ghost mosquito.
  • Signs of Disrepair: The abandoned hospital the kids are transferred to is called the "North Mercy" Hospital. The sign on the front then loses the 'R-T-H', giving it a more fitting name.
  • Squick: Between mosquitoes burrowing under students' skin, Bertrand doing a highly disturbing Body Horror-esque transformation, and Spectra turning into a giant snot monster, this probably wins the prize for grossest episode of the series.
  • Stalker Shrine: Paulina has turned her locker into one for “Inviso-Bill” aka Danny Phantom.
  • Sticky Situation: When Danny first tries to punch Spectra after she’s been covered in snot, his fist gets stuck in the goo. Spectra herself then gets stuck to the ceiling by strings of snot.
  • Strapped to an Operating Table: Spectra does this to Danny so she can use his DNA to stabilize her new human body
  • Suddenly Shouting: Danny does this after being tackled by snotty Spectra:
    Danny: Will you please…GET OFF ME?!
  • Sue Donym: When Dr. Bert Rand reveals his true identity as Spectra's assistant Bertrand, Danny Face Palms as he realizes how obvious it was.
    Danny: Bert Rand. Bertrand. How did I miss that?
  • Supernatural Repellent: Tucker's disastrous homemade cologne apparently smells just as bad to the ghost bugs as it does to humans — they flee any body sprayed with it.
  • Super Smoke: Jazz's acquired ghost powers reduces her body to a spectral mist contained in a jar.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Bertrand in his doctor disguise says this to the parents of the infected kids to dodge their questions.
  • Tempting Fate:
    • After Spectra was beaten and the ghost bugs were driven out of the kids, Tucker muses that he was the only one who didn't get hurt during his first trip to a hospital. And then Sam falls on him.
      Sam: Can I get my boot back now?
    • When Danny assures a laid-up Tucker that things could be worse for him, Tucker immediately gets an elderly roommate who insists on jabbering in his ear about how things were when he was Tucker's age.
      Danny: And now it's worse.
  • Transformation Horror: Bertrand undergoes a surprisingly disturbing Hulking Out transformation as he shapeshifts into a zombie-like beast. His skin bubbles, his eyes bulge, and his skull bursts open to reveal his brain.
  • The Unfavorite: Mourning the fact that Jazz has been quarantined, Jack sobs and says, right in front of Danny, that she was always his favorite.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: This episode reveals that Tucker is terrified of hospitals, yet since he's the only Casper High student besides Danny who hasn't been infected by the ghost mosquitoes, he has to help Danny stop Spectra and Bertrand in a really creepy hospital.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Danny pretends to be sick and unconscious and has Tucker carry him up to the hospital so they can convince the guards to let him inside.
