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Basic Trope: A villain that appeared in Hero A’s Rogues Gallery also appears in Hero B’s Rogues Gallery.

  • Straight: Madam Mayhem is a reoccurring adversary of Superio, but she also fights Sally “Sallymander” Mandarin as either a main or side villain.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Madam Mayhem is the sole Arch-Enemy of Superio and her entire origin is tied to him. But when she’s not fighting Superio, she’s clashing with the Justice Consortium, fighting Amazing Girl, playing chess with Sally Mandarin, making Raccoon Kid’s life worse, getting her ass handed to her by the Dark-Naught, menacing the Bastions of Nigeria, being a total jerk to the Kid Justice Force, getting in Master Death’s way, and occasionally trying to hook up with Electro-Man (though constantly getting rebuffed time and time again) while trying to aid him against Tarantu-Dude. She fights so many heroes she may as well have her own heroic Rogues Gallery
    • Madame Mayhem is the only memorable thing about the otherwise-mediocre Superio comic. Not wanting to see such an awesome villain go to waste, Sallymander's writer snatches her up to use in their own stories. Superio is eventually retconned out of the 'verse, and Madame Mayhem becomes a core part of the Sallymander mythos.
  • Downplayed: Madam Mayhem makes a short guest appearance in one of Sally’s adventures, and it makes even more sense in context.
  • Justified:
    • Madam Mayhem, Sally, and Superio all live in the same city so it makes sense that she’ll clash with both from time to time.
    • While she has since moved to another town, Sally was Superio's sidekick back in The '50s and Mayhem wants to hurt everyone important to him.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Madam Mayhem is about to fight Sally, but Superio comes in at the nick of time and tells her to rest easy.
  • Double Subverted: ... but mid-fight, Mayhem injure Superio and Sally needs to stall her while he heals.
  • Parodied: Madam Mayhem makes a business of being a substitute villain. She fills in for a hero and causes chaos for whoever pays her when they feel like there isn’t enough crime to stop.
  • Zig Zagged: The writers seemingly can’t decide if Madam Mayhem is suppose to be Superio or Sally’s nemesis.
  • Averted: Madam Mayhem fights strictly Superio, and never gets the chance to battle other heroes.
  • Enforced:
    • The writers couldn’t come up with a new character for Sally to fight, so decided to reuse a character from the Superio series.
    • Madame Mayhem is the villain chosen for a Sallymander/Superio crossover, and her repartee with Sally steals the show. Fans demand the two face off again, and the writers give them what they want in Sally's own series.
  • Lampshaded: “Where’s Superio? rather not waste my time dealing with a neophyte like you.”
  • Invoked: The writers wanted to create a sense of a larger Shared Universe, so decided to have Superio’s villains appear in Sally’s adventures.
  • Exploited: Madam Mayhem takes advantage of her status as a “New villain” to Sally to outwit and overpower her.
    • Alternatively, Sally takes advantage of Mayhem not knowing much about her to outwit her.
  • Defied: Superio makes it his mission to act like a bodyguard to his friends and prevent his Rogues Gallery from menacing any other heroes.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Madame Mayhem never makes an on-page appearance in a Sallymander comic, but, during a crossover, Sally and Superio discuss her in a way that suggests Sally's faced her toe-to-toe.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Sally is a genetically modified mercenary with a healing factor capable of regenerating her from a single atom in a matter of seconds. She is skilled in using many lethal weapons, she has an extremely imbalanced personality and gets her kicks off killing people. Therefore Sally fights Super Weight villains who are on her same level of power. Madam Mayhem is just a wise woman skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and stands absolutely no chance against Sally.
    • Madame Mayhem typically fights Superio, a Nigh-Invulnerable Flying Brick, in battles that involve them throwing one another through brick, concrete, and steel without serious injury. Sallymander is a Superhero Packing Heat with a moderate Healing Factor, but no other superpowers, and there's no Power Creep, Power Seep to even the fight. Sally is just completely outclassed by Mayhem, and can only do her best to hold her off until a hero in her Super Weight saves the day. Sally soon comes to dread Mayhem, and perhaps even envy Superio.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Mayhem knew this, and decided to deal with Sally intelligently. She creates an inhalable anti-serum meant to counteract her healing powers and retard her weapon proficiency. Mayhem also equips Powered Armor just in case things to south, making a fair fight.
    • Madame Mayhem typically fights Superio, a Nigh-Invulnerable Flying Brick, in battles that involve them throwing one another through brick, concrete, and steel without serious injury. Sallymander is a Superhero Packing Heat with a moderate Healing Factor, but no other superpowers, and there's no Power Creep, Power Seep to even the fight. Yet Sally proves her Badass Normal credentials by outwitting her vastly superior foe, exploiting every weakness Mayhem has to come out on top. Mayhem is still The Dreaded in Sally's corner of the Shared Universe, but that just makes her a more compelling recurring foe.
  • Played For Horror: Yng'Kal, the Eater of the Dead, is a recurring Lovecraft Lite foe of Superio the Sorcerer. When Yng'Kal turns its attention to Sally, a Non-Powered Costumed Hero, she has no answer. Her simply surviving is a victory.
  • Played For Laughs: Madame Mayhem's campy theatrics and Affably Evil nature are typical in Superio's Silver-Age-homage series, and she's not even the silliest foe in his rogue's gallery. Even so, the darker, grittier Sally just can't take her seriously; she becomes the comical villain of choice for Breather Episodes when Sally just needs to face a "comic book baddie in a silly mask" and hang some lampshades.

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