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Playing With / Quirky Household

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Basic Trope: A strange, but loving family.

  • Straight: The O'Taku family are a family of Otaku perpetually in Cosplay, but they lead an otherwise normal existence.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The O'Taku family have all kinds of Anime-related paraphernalia and a library full of Manga and always wear Cosplay, but they are among the most respected (and loving) families in Troperville.
    • Troperville is a Quirky Town where each family has their own quirks (or they all share the same one), but the townsfolk get along very well with each other. They may be strange, but they are the quintessential "perfect" town.
  • Downplayed: The O'Taku family are pleasant, happy, friendly people who enjoy anime and manga, have a noticeable collection of anime-related toys and posters, and wear cosplay to conventions and on Halloween, but it's not like their house is a museum where people come to see 'em or anything. In short, they are noticeably stranger than the other characters, but their quirk doesn't dominate their lives.
  • Justified: The O'Takus love their anime and manga, and how their strangeness attracts tourists to Troperville. And hey, every family has their own quirks, right?
  • Inverted: The family is perfectly normal, as in "so normal, it's boring". The other characters at least have minor quirks that make them interesting.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • They eventually work out their problems.
    • Their "normal" is even stranger.
  • Parodied:
    • All the "normal" guests that visit them...and their reactions.
    • The family is not that odd, but for some reason their guests think they are. (As in, "Wow! Ann O'Taku puts brown sugar in her tea instead of white!" "I know! And Seamus reads the Daily Blah at breakfast instead of the Troperville Times!")
  • Zig Zagged:
    • The O'Takus work out their problems, only to have them arise again when the grandparents are visiting. (Triple Subverted)
    • Sometimes they wear cosplay and/or talk constantly about anime/manga, sometimes they just watch their anime and read their manga, sometimes they are "normal", and sometimes they are boring.
  • Averted: The O'Taku family is as "normal" as the other characters, but just as interesting to watch.
  • Enforced:
    • "The Troperville Show is losing ground because the cast is too plain. We need a new family that's interesting to watch, but still G-rated and not too dysfunctional." "Hey, let's make them anime fans!"
    • A writer notices that the cast is very "normal", and decides to throw in a Quirky Household to spice things up.
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Seamus and Ann O'Taku get married and have 2.4 children in Suburbia together, agreeing to raise their kids as Otaku.
  • Exploited: The neighbors need time to prepare a surprise party for the O'Takus, and distract them for the day by buying them a DVD collection of an anime series.
  • Defied: Seamus and Ann like anime and manga, but don't raise their kids on it, center their social life completely around it, live in perpetual cosplay, etc.
  • Discussed: "I wonder who our new neighbors will be." "I hope they're one of those weird families."
  • Conversed:
    • "There goes the neighborhood..."
    • "What a freaky family! I'm glad I don't live in their town."
  • Implied: The family is mentioned but never seen. The characters refer to them as "weirdos", but never specify what is strange about them.
  • Deconstructed: Their quirks are not understood, which can lead to alienation...and further problems.
  • Reconstructed: The neighbors get to know them and find that they are awesome people, and everyone's happy.
  • Played For Laughs: When the O'Takus realize how quirky they are, they laugh at themselves.
  • Played For Drama: One of the O'Taku's kids is going through an "angst-teen I Just Want to Be Normal" phase.
  • Untwisted: Alice and Bob Normalton hear that the new neighbors' last name is "O'Taku" and assume that they are obsessed with anime and manga. When the Normaltons pay their neighbors a "Welcome to Troperville" visit, it appears that the O'Taku family is perfectly normal. The next day, however, the O'Taku house is full of anime and manga-related merchandise. It just wasn't yet unpacked when the Normaltons visited.

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