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Nightmare Fuel / Castlevania

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Given that the main adversaries in this game are all creatures from mythology or horror movies, it's only logical that there's plenty of frights to be had. One could almost say that the real strength of Dracula's army is its ability to make people soil themselves.

Entries with their own pages:

The franchise in general:

  • Dracula's castle itself is, by no small feat, the stuff nightmares are made of. Due to its different inner structure in every game, it has been referred by Alucard as a "Creature of Chaos".
    • This is taken to truly, ridiculously, disturbing levels in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 as the castle is explicitly alive to the point of bleeding.
  • The series eventually establishes that (at least) once a century, Dracula will returned, revived by some means. What usually is the source of that revival? Man. Let that sink in a moment. A powerful monster who borders on nigh unstoppable and is powerful beyond any other creature he commands (and he has some pretty powerful ones he controls, let that sink in too) is revived repeatedly by people so he can go on a genocidal rampage against all of humanity. The series goes on to say that people lose hope, lose faith, and crave darkness and depravity, leading to his revival. And the game has PLENTY of examples of people losing their minds and raising Dracula, whether that was their true intent or not.
    • Come Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, we learn that Dracula more or less holds ALL humans responsible for Lisa's murder. People fall into madness and revive Dracula, and no matter what, he STILL intends on killing us all like cattle.....thanks a lot, guys....
