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Nightmare Fuel / Castlevania: Nocturne

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  • Julia Belmont's death; her arm was trapped underneath Olrox's serpent body, while she futilely tried to keep an ice barrier working. When it broke, Olrox stabbed her in the heart with his tail. If that wasn't bad enough, he moves her enough that we see her cold, dead stare...and all in front of her son. No wonder Richter's so messed up.
  • The series does not hold back on the Night Creatures' designs, making them all unique and utterly horrifying. One of them looks like it was modelled after a gulper eel!
  • During the flashback to her experience with Erzsebet's penchant for cruelty, Tera enters an entire dungeon filled with the countess's suffering victims in the hopes of finding her captured sister. As if that weren't haunting enough, once she manages to locate said sister, the latter flashes a terrifying Slasher Smile to reveal a set of vampire fangs, prompting a heartbroken Tera to put her out of her misery.
  • After arriving in Europe, Erzsebet is offered by Drolta a mortal woman as a welcoming gift. At first, the woman is understandably scared out of her mind as Erzsebet peruses her like chattle before taking a bite out of her. When next we see her at the ball held in Erzsebet's honor, she is dressed in a fine dress and apparently happy to dance with Erzsebet and drinking more of her blood, later still appearing in an anemic stupor as she has to be dragged about by servants so Erzsebet can keep feeding on her: by all accounts, her mind had been broken to the point where she willingly allows herself to be treated as a living blood bag.
  • Tera in the finale offers herself to Erzsebet in order to save Maria. Everyone, including Emanuel, is horrified, but especially Maria, as her mother is taken from her and there is nothing she can do to stop it, her face distorted by sheer horror. The worst part is the turning process, during which Erzsebet makes Tera drink her blood. It is not a pleasant sight, as Tera's skin turns grey and her eyes gain a sick yellow-ish color, making it abundantly clear that her body is dying. While defiant and trying to avoid drinking the blood, despite being weakened by Erzsebet feeding on her, in the end Tera is overwhelmed by the new hunger possessing her body and grabs the vampire's arm, to ghoulishly suck on her blood.
    • This scene also serves as a Call-Back to the first series, where Dracula reacts with near homicidal rage at Carmilla asking him why he didn't turn Lisa. In changing her, he'd have to watch her physically die in agony first. And he couldn't bear to do that to the woman he loved.
