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The Sentry

    The Sentry 

The Sentry

Alter Ego: Robert "Bob" Reynolds

Notable Aliases: The Void, Death

First Appearance: The Sentry #1 (July, 2000)

First seen in The Sentry #1 (September, 2000), Robert Reynolds was an overweight, middle aged alcoholic until one day he awakens and realizes that he is the Sentry, a superhero with the power of one million exploding suns, who must once again take the mantle of the hero to fight his archnemesis the Void, whom he fears is returning soon.

This rather strange origin story began via a hoax that was perpetuated by Stan Lee himself, stating that there was a golden age superhero whom he just forgot about and wanted to weave into the continuity. Through a series of recursive flashbacks Robert Reynolds is seen fighting alongside Marvel's most popular superheroes, including the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, and Spider-Man, and all of the Sentry's first miniseries revolves around figuring out why everyone has Laser-Guided Amnesia surrounding his existence.

His actual powers were bestowed upon him when a young Robert, while working in a physics lab, drank a serum that "moved his molecules 1 second ahead of the current timeline." It was later revealed that this was a newer version of the Super Soldier serum that transformed Captain America.

Seen as somewhat of an Alternate Company Equivalent of Superman due to his seemingly limitless powers, including: energy blasts, super strength, flight, and of course a hefty dose of New Powers as the Plot Demands.

The Sentry, while seeming like an Invincible Hero, actually has many weaknesses due to his being Ax-Crazy (this is not expunged when Robert becomes the Sentry). Robert Reynolds is an agoraphobic, anxiety-ridden schizophrenic who relies on his robot sidekick CLOC to calculate the severity of problems that need his help, and solves them in order based on CLOC's input.

Despite his death at the end of Dark Reign, the Sentry was resurrected by the Apocalypse Twins' new Horsemen in Uncanny Avengers, though Thor convinces him to help stop Exitar the Executioner. Sentry, having fully succumbed to his insanity and believing himself to be the successor of Apocalypse, agreed to do so... after he rid the world of the "cancerous" mutants. Having survived the incident, the Sentry was put into exile until he was called back by Dr. Strange in a terrible attempt to stop Loki, who had become Sorcerer Supreme and was looking for a spell that could potentially doom all, only for it to restore magic to the world. Upset, the Sentry told Dr. Strange never to call on him again and disappeared. He returned in his own miniseries by Jeff Lemire as part of the Marvel: A Fresh Start initiative, taking place some time after this appearance, where he was living essentially on parole as Bob Reynolds, fry cook extraordinaire, and spending time as the Sentry in a pocket dimension via a machine constructed by Tony Stark and Reed Richards called the Confluctor, to keep both the Sentry and the Void in check. This was derailed by his former sidekick and friend, Scout, who had had his arm torn off by the Void and was secretly resentful that Bob could be the Sentry in his spare time. He discovered the Sentry's power-granting formula, and conspired with one of the Sentry's old enemies to recreate it and steal the Confluctor, trapping Bob inside and the Sentry outside. The Sentry and Scout fought, while Bob survived by merging the Void and the Sentry and himself to create a new, somewhat morally ambiguous black-haired Sentry dressed in red and black, who killed Scout and went to space, resuming his mission to protect humanity by any means necessary.

In terms of Video Games, The Sentry was a playable character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for Nintendo DS, Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, and Marvel Puzzle Quest.

  • Alliterative Name: Robert Reynolds, though he usually goes by Bob.
  • Ax-Crazy: As the Void. Also, possibly, as his 2019 Merged Sentry persona.
  • Back from the Dead: While he's been resurrected several times, his most recent revival was when the Apocalypse Twins revived him as one of their Four Horsemen of Death. It's not known if the Void has been revived as well. It appears, going by Bob's word, the Void never died. It simply got tired of being imprisoned in the sun and shuttled itself off to the White Hot Room. As of his later reappearance in Doctor Strange, it might be back... though the context leaves it somewhat ambiguous. Jeff Lemire's miniseries confirms that the Void is indeed back.
  • Badass Boast:
    • Gives a brief one during the events of World War Hulk. The Hulk contends that the Sentry doesn't want to fight him. The response (paraphrased): "God help me, I do... because you're the only one I can hit like this."
    • From Siege:
    Sentry/Void: How many gods will I have to kill today?
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: The Void's initial logic: for each act of good the Sentry performs, the Void commits an equivalent act of evil.
  • Bears Are Bad News: One of the Sentry's Silver Age foes was a giant bear. The Sentry couldn't defeat it, just convince it to hibernate.
  • Beware the Superman: Being powerful to such a degree is more than dangerous when also having such serious mental problems. As seen in Dark Reign, he is very easily manipulated. And not to talk about what happens when the Void breaks out - breaking literally every bone of the freakin' Hulk, rampaging through New York or levelling the whole city of Asgard (the reputation accrued by the latter feat is one Doctor Strange later exploits when he needs a distraction and points Bob at Asgardia.) And that's by far not everything that this psycho has unleashed during his life.
    • After he survives being disintegrated, Bullseye wonders if, when he finally goes over the edge, they'll actually be able to kill him. The answer is no, not unless he lets you. And even that seems to have stopped working, to the point where the Sentry exiled himself into space, in a coma, just to try and keep the universe safe from himself. In the end, even that didn't work. Now, as the Merged Sentry, he's arguably even more dangerous.
  • Body Horror: When he transforms into the Void, the results are usually monstrous.
  • Brains Evil, Brawn Good: Shows both sides. He's a super-genius, but usually defaults to trying to smash things or throw them into the sun.
  • Brought to You by the Letter "S": He has an S-shaped sigil on his waist.
  • Bullet Catch: The Sentry once stopped an assassination attempt in this manner. Since he has super speed, catching bullets is nothing.
  • Care-Bear Stare: The Sentry can emit a calming aura to help the Hulk manage his rage. Reed Richards tries to simulate this aura during World War Hulk, but it doesn't work.
  • Character Shilling: Prior to Siege. Some of it's a consequence of him being a walking Cosmic Retcon, the rest is just there for the usual reason. After that, he's generally been depicted as a potentially evil/insane Superman, which most people seem to agree is much more interesting.
  • Clark Kenting: He admits to Spider-Man that he attempted this in the past, but the prescription lenses made his vision blurry and thought the fake beard made his face look fat.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: The Sentry's eyes glow yellow when he uses most of his powers, blue when he's using his psychic powers, and red when the Void is about to emerge. Most recently, they glow black-edged white when he's the Merged Sentry.
  • Comic Books Are Real: Like other Marvel characters, the Sentry has in-universe comics about him, which serve as the Framing Device for The Age of the Sentry. (As it turns out, there's a universe out there where AotS actually happened, Earth-1611.)
  • Corrupted Character Copy: The Sentry is the all-powerful Silver Age Superman—only as a complete neurotic mess who needs a supercomputer to tell him what crisis to respond to and is saddled with an Ax-Crazy Superpowered Evil Side that commits an act of evil for every act of good that the Sentry does.
  • The Corrupter: Norman Osborn, who thoroughly abuses Bob's fragile mental state. It wasn't until Osborn provided the Sentry with another dose of the serum that the Void became the dominant personality.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Sentry has multiple examples of being the one issuing these out. Name a Marvel character and odds are Sentry has used his or her ass as a footstool before. Notable exceptions are his draw with the Worldbreaker Hulk and his loss to Extremis Ultron until she was infected with a virus, allowing him to defeat her.
    • His "battle" with Morgan Le Fay was probably the worst example of this. Norman Osborn gives him the go-ahead, Sentry flies down, and literally the very next panel is him ripping her head clean off.
  • Dark Secret: The truth behind the origin of the Sentry, kept between Bob and his wife, Lindy. Bob was just a drug addict looking for a fix, not an innocent young man working in a physics lab. The Void is the manifestation of the part of him that is still that junkie.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Sentry's essentially a thorough deconstruction of the idea of Superman, the Lois Lane-Superman relationship dynamic, and his Ideal Hero image. Basically his presentation demonstrates the lesson that a single person with such unbelievable godlike power would be universally seen as The Dreaded especially when that person has mental issues or the same mental weaknesses as every other person. The Lois Lane-Superman relationship is inherently toxic as the Lois expy in question is more attracted to the Sentry superhero side than his flawed human side and eventually becomes more horrified by the Sentry's inhuman power as he grows stronger, especially after he brings her back from death. As the final nail in the coffin, the only reason the Sentry is hailed as some ideal hero is because of a Superpowered Evil Side that exists to make him seem more heroic than he actually is. In short, instead of an admirable Superman figure that inspires hope, you have a mentally ill godlike timebomb that puts the world on the edge of a panic attack and whose own Love Interest lives in terror of him.
  • Death Is Cheap: Sentry had died and returned within the confines of a single issue, usually as a result of the Void's intervention.
  • Demon Slaying: Does this on occasion.
  • Depending on the Writer: Sentry has something like eight different origins, and the level and type of his mental psychosis fluctuates from issue to issue. Even the Void seems to change from split personality to separate entity on alternating weekends. His level of power also goes up and down, from "stronger than Thor, but it'd still be a fair enough fight" to "could smash the entire planet into gravel with a single pushup." Even his "power of many exploding suns" comment varies, going from just thousand to a million suns.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The Sentry has supposedly defeated Galactus either on his own or with the help of Nate 'I use the Multiverse as my personal stepladder and create entire planes of existence with a thought' Grey. Debatable given never really shown even in a flashback, the Sentry's unreliable history and the fact that Nate is very much his father's son, but Nate's comment afterwards, when Norman Osborn implies that he was manipulating the Sentry ("Cleverness be* damned, I just told him the truth."), and Nate's own colossal raw power, suggests that it might actually have happened.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Bob finds out that a yoga instructor is putting some moves on his wife; sometime later, the Sentry saves 152 people from a crashing boat, while the Void hurls a jet airliner into a building and kills 152 people. Ramón the yoga instructor was in that building.
  • The Dreaded: Bob is a feared figure due to the combination of mental illness and overwhelming power, but in the pages of Doctor Strange, The Void has proven to be one of the few things that truly horrifies Loki, likely thanks to the events of Siege. Even as the new Sorcerer Supreme, Loki is visibly shaken and out of sorts throughout the confrontation. The heroes aren't immune to this, with the high end of the superhero community keeping a hawk-like watch on Bob in Lemire's miniseries, even when they're sure the Sentry can't return (let alone the Void) and have contingencies in case he even accidentally violates his parole.
  • Driven to Suicide: He's tried more than once. When he returned in Doctor Strange, his attitude was to live in a hallucination constructed by Strange while his body floated in deep space, on the grounds that it was safer for everyone. He was deeply unhappy when Strange not only brought him back (which he was willing to do, in order to help), but ended up unleashing the Void again.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Sentry tries his best to hide his drug-filled past from everyone he can.
  • Expy: His original series seems to be heavily inspired by Alan Moore's rework of Marvelman/Miracleman. Both feature middle-aged guys who are vaguely haunted by their past as the most powerful person on the planet, even down to details like being jealous of their super selves, their wives being more attracted to their other selves and their origins in a secret government program. Which makes the Sentry an Expy of a reworked Darker and Edgier Captain Ersatz of a Captain Ersatz, as Marvelman was a British copy of Captain Marvel, who was himself a copy of Superman. So he's like Superman's fifth cousin twice removed.
  • Eye Beams: One of his myriad powers.
  • Fallen Hero: If the rest of the page is no indication.
  • Flight: He has the ability to fly.
  • From a Single Cell: The Sentry has been blown into pieces by powerful enemies like Morgan Le Fey and the Molecule Man but his body always reconstitutes itself.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Was a meth addict before getting his superpowers.
  • Fusion Dance: The end result of Fresh Start - specifically, Bob, the Sentry, and the Void merged to create the Merged Sentry. The result is arguably even more powerful than either the Void or the Sentry, and exponentially more dangerous.
  • Groin Attack: On the receiving end of this by Hercules in Dark Reign.
  • Good Is Not Nice: The end result of his merger with the Void in Fresh Start. A champion firmly on the side of good who nonetheless does some morally dubious acts to see justice done and refuses to kowtow to others or limit himself.
  • Hand Blast: One of his more potent ways of projecting his power.
  • Healing Factor: A pretty powerful one which puts even Wolverine and Hulk to shame.
  • Hero Killer: Especially in Siege.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Parodied during his team-up with Doctor Strange against Loki. Some of Stephen's most powerful spells require heavy mental, physical, and spiritual agony lavished upon either himself or a willing vassal. As the Sentry is an absurdly mighty metaphysical being, all the requisite suffering barely fazes him and he naps through the entire fight, allowing Strange to cast reality-altering spells with impunity.
  • Home Base: The Sentry has the Watchtower, while the Void has the "hidey-hole" in Antarctica.
  • Humanoid Abomination: On a good day, the Sentry can rewrite reality and it's implied he's only as human as he believes himself to be. On a bad day... well, there's the Void.
  • I Choose to Stay: At the end of ''Annihilation: Scourge", he chooses to remain in the Negative Zone to contemplate the universe he almost destroyed. Understandably, no one who lives there is all too enthused, but he's too powerful to kick out.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: It's never really explained how Bob became one of the most powerful beings in the universe after taking a drug that was basically a slightly jacked-up version of the Super Soldier Serum.
  • Insane Equals Violent: Very much so for him! Generally he's (mentally speaking) like a young child, often asking if what he did was right, so it makes sense that he would lash out when he's angry/upset.
  • Intangible Man: Part of the Void's power set.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Bob forcibly transforms into the Void after he loses control.
  • Jack up with Phlebotinum: One of his origins is that he was a junkie who stole the Super Serum in hopes it would get him high. It turned out remarkably well for him...except for the side effects.
  • Made of Iron: The Thing throws his best punch at Sentry. There was probably more pain in Thing's hand than in Sentry's body.
  • Mercy Kill: A reluctant Thor puts Bob out of his misery at the end of Siege. Thanks to the Apocalypse Twins, it didn't stick.
  • Mind Rape: If beating an opponent to a pulp with fists won't do the trick, Bob will resort to this. He'll even make the victim see him as the Void and not the Sentry.
    • What if a foe has Wolverine's healing factor and unbreakable bones and Luke Cage's unbreakable skin? Sentry won't even blink.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: In truth, it is still not clear exactly what the relationship is between Bob Reynolds, the Sentry and the Void (Is the Void the real Bob Reynolds, or is the Sentry, or is neither, or are they both?), exactly what the serum was he took or even whether it actually did anything, what the exact nature and source of his powers is (I am a superhuman! I am actually the angel of Death! I am a refugee from another universe! I am Galactus!), how the Void really came into existence and whether he is really dead. This, of course, fits in very nicely with the notion that the Sentry is bugnuts insane, and genuinely does not know what happened, being a Reality Warper of undefined limits, subconsciously even altering reality to suit whatever his psychosis says is the real story that day. Or perhaps reality warps itself around the Sentry to accommodate him, creating things from nothing to enable him to exist. Suffice to say, take nothing for granted when it comes to anything about the Sentry's origin and nature.
    • The last issue of The Age of the Sentry, framed as an "Imaginary Story", puts forth the idea that the Void was once a separate person, a gangster named Eddie Emmerick who got his light absorption and shadow projection abilities through a neutrino ray accident, then — on the day Rob Reynolds became the Sentry — transformed into a Humanoid Abomination, a negative force to balance out the Sentry's positive. Eventually, in collaboration with Cranio, the Void absorbed the Sentry's power via the brain of Gorax, until he was no longer Emmerick, but a doppelganger of Reynolds, while the real Reynolds died.
  • Neck Snap: Thor snapped the Sentry's neck in a What If? centered around Secret Invasion.
  • The Needless: Becomes this as the Void.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: To an absolutely insane degree. He was bodily disintegrated by both Morgana leFay and Molecule Man, and simply re-appeared with no explanation. When he tried to commit suicide by flying into the sun, he was already swimming in superheated solar plasma when his evil self basically said "Don't be silly, kiddo".
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: To Thor, after he returns as a Horseman of Apocalypse.
  • Off with His Head!: The Sentry killed Sub-Mariner villain Attuma in this manner.
  • Playing with Fire: And what powerful fire it is.
  • Power Glows: He's not called the "Golden Guardian of Good" for nothing.
  • Psychic Powers: The Sentry has shown psychic powers strong enough to give Doctor Strange pause.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: See here for example.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Sentry's pupils start to glow red when the Void is about to emerge, while the rest of his eyes turn pitch black.
  • Retcon: Sentry is retconned into having been an important person to many title characters in the silver age.
  • Samaritan Syndrome: A sad Deconstruction. He can't prioritize where his help is needed the most and thus often falls into despair.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: He's insanely effective once he stabilises his psyche vis-a-vis merging with the Void in Fresh Start, creating a godlike vigilante who is, for better or worse, his own man.
  • Sealed Badass in a Can: He is both Sealed Good in a Can and Sealed Evil in a Can, so he's had to be either eliminated or contained to keep the world safe.
    • The Sentry was voluntarily imprisoned at the start of the 2005 New Avengers series, sporting a scraggly Beard of Sorrow.
    • Post his stint as Death in Uncanny Avengers, he's cured, but voluntarily inside one constructed by Doctor Strange, inside his own mind, while his body is floating in deep space. A desperate Strange lets him out. He willingly went along with this, but was deeply unhappy when Strange unleashed the Void. This resulted
  • Sexier Alter Ego: Bob's wife, Lindy, prefers sleeping with him while he's in Sentry form.
  • Shaping Your Attacks: A rarer skill, the Sentry can create yellow Hard Light constructs similar to Quasar's quantum constructs. In a fight against Terrax, Sentry created a bubble construct to block the Herald's Hand Blast.
  • Shockwave Clap: One of the Sentry's attacks. He uses this one against a bunch of the Void's attack drones in The Sentry v2 #8.
    • He may have picked it up from or taught it to his buddy, the Hulk.
  • Speed Blitz: Usually does this when making an entrance.
  • Split Personality: The Sentry (good) and the Void (evil). The relationship between them is described as a god complex: every time Sentry did something good, Void did something equally evil.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Sentry only gets stronger with time. He cannot be completely destroyed (see his invulnerability trope entry) and can exchange punches with Hulk and Thor. Sentry can impress even Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, with his psychic and telepathic abilities and possesses molecular manipulation on the same level as Molecule Man. Moving faster than the speed of light is a simple matter for Sentry and he can travel distances in seconds that even the speedier characters require minutes for. The only weakness Bob has is his unstable mind but making use of this weakness is a huge gamble even for master manipulators because they risk releasing the Void.
    • Sentry while either completely stable mentally or Voided out is a true monster to behold. Sentry's strength depends on his mental stability and Sentry managed to fight World War Hulk after being consumed by his agoraphobia for 29 hours, showing even a weakened Sentry is a force to be reckoned with. The Void managed to rampage through Asgard and topple foes such as Thor and Ares in Siege, and he was just getting started. When Void was not as powerful, he was still able to break every single bone in the Hulk's body.
      • Proof of this is when, as the Horseman of Death (and thereby even crazier than usual), he manages to temporarily stop Exitar, a Celestial, from descending to destroy the Earth long enough for Thor to kill him with Jarmbjorn, when Rogue, who'd taken powers from quite literally all the Avengers and all the X-Men, including the full power of Wonder Man, and a machine powered by the Hulk hadn't managed it (though she didn't stop her effort so it is not known how much either of them contributed).
  • Superman Substitute: It's very blatant that Sentry is meant to be this for the Marvel Universe, down to having a huge "S" in his costume. A few artists admitting to simply drawing Superman at times and then changing the color scheme right at the end.
  • Super-Reflexes: Catching bullets is quite easy for him.
  • Super-Senses: Which can be a real pain factor for him, as he can't prioritize whom to save first.
  • Super-Speed: Sentry can fly to the Sun and back in seconds, and after his resurrection as a Horseman of Apocalypse, cross light years in moments. The narrative acknowledges the impossibility of this, as his moving so fast as Death actually disoriented Thor, who himself is able to move at lightspeed.
  • Super-Strength: The Sentry is one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe, capable of matching strength with the Hulk, Thor, and Hercules. The Void's strength is enough to break almost every bone in the Hulk's body. Much like Superman, his upper limits are subject to change. See Strong as They Need to Be
  • Superheroes Wear Capes: Well, he is a Superman expy....
  • Superheroes Wear Tights: Duh!
  • Superpowered Evil Side: He and The Void are this trope taken to its extreme. They manifested as alter-egos of a single person, representing the good and dark sides of humanity, respectively. The Sentry is a superhero and the Void is a supervillain, and in a slight variation on this trope, the Void is exactly as powerful as the Sentry, and occasionally kills someone for every person the Sentry saves.
    • Also, his persona as Death, Horseman of Apocalypse.
  • Teleportation: Has done it on occasion.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Compounding his issues with the Void being a part of him, Robert was devastated to find out that the serum he took would have worked on anyone. He wasn't special, he was just there to take it, leading to those who made the serum destroying all their research because one lunatic with godlike powers was bad enough as is.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: With the Mighty Avengers, Sentry is stated outright to be the strongest member, but held back by his lack of skill.
    Hercules: Learn to fight like you mean it, pretty boy.
  • Willfully Weak: Possessing incredible power, the Sentry holds back because he's afraid of losing control.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: A poster boy. It was suggested by characters that Sentry is addicted to his power, which stems from his past as a junkie.
  • World's Strongest Man: The Sentry is without question a heavy contender for this title and Marvel has no problem with making characters say so. Karnak calls him "Earth's most powerful warrior."
    • During Dark Reign, he's often used as a yard-stick for power, with Osborn specifically stating that Nate Grey is too dangerous to run loose precisely because he could go toe to toe with the Sentry.
  • Would Hit a Girl: And kill a girl, too.
  • You Could Have Used Your Powers for Good!: Basically his entire character in a nutshell. Could have been Earth's greatest defender, but turned out to be a deadly disappointment.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: The Void isn't a second personality in the traditional sense but a delusion Bob gets due to his schizophrenia. He believes he is the Void and, due to his powers, he becomes the Void.

Supporting Characters

    Lindy Lee-Reynolds 

  • The Resenter: He eventually grew to resent Robert's power and conspired to steal it.



    The Void 

The Void

Hosts: Robert "Bob" Reynolds, Dr. Stephen Strange, Knull

First Appearance: The Sentry #1

A dark entity purported to be the Biblical Angel of Death, the Void indwelled Bob Reynolds when he consumed the serum that turned him into the Sentry, and began acting as an Enemy Without and Superpowered Evil Side.

  • Angelic Abomination: Assuming it is indeed the Biblical Angel of Death, it is powerful enough to casually slaughter gods and could potentially destroy the universe itself.
  • Antichrist: The Void generally functions as this. Hiroim refers to him as a "Worldbreaker", in contrast to "The Sakaarson".
  • Arch-Enemy: To The Sentry, acting as his Enemy Without.
  • Been There, Shaped History: The Void may have caused the Plagues of Egypt.
  • Captured Super-Entity: Doctor Strange manages to capture and contain it at some point after it separated from the Sentry, bonding to it in order to fight Sorcerer Supreme Loki; though he later returned it to the Sentry.
  • Combat Tentacles: Part of the Void's physical makeup, the tentacles are strong enough to restrain the Hulk and break his bones.
    • In Siege, they ripped Loki in half (and then maybe a few more pieces).
  • Complete Immortality: So long as it desires to exist, nothing can kill it. Even the Sentry being atomized by the Molecule Man was a minor inconvenience. The closest it came to death was when it abandoned Reynolds after the events of Siege to hang out in the Phoenix Force's White Hot Room until somehow being captured by Doctor Strange.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Void is an obscenely powerful entity capable of appearing as almost whatever it pleases — often appearing as a Living Shadow with a fanged maw. Norman Osborn and Lindy Reynolds theorize that its the Biblical Angel of Death, but King in Black implies it may actually be related to Knull.
  • Elemental Powers: The Void can control the weather.
  • Enemy Without: Initially the Void manifested as a separate entity from the Sentry, seeking to undo any good that he did in the world. Conversely, when the Sentry quit being a superhero, the Void started saving people.
  • Our Angels Are Different: The Void might have been around since Biblical times as the Angel of Death.
  • Pet the Dog: When Bob's nerves failed him and he refused to save the world as the Sentry, the Void stepped up to do the job for him and even saved Bob's wife Lindy.
  • Retcon: Initially the Void was a manifestation of Rob Reynold's schizophrenia made manifest as an Enemy Without by his powers, but Dark Avengers retconned it into a separate entity that had taken him as its vessel when he gained his powers.
  • Sharing a Body: At the end of the 2018 Sentry series, the Bob Reynolds fully accepts the Void as part of himself, turning into a black-haired version of the Sentry with glowing red eyes and a red costume. After his merger with the Void destabilizes in Agents of Wakanda, the Sentry goes to the Fantastic Four to get it purged — kickstarting Annihilation: Scourge when the Void separating from Reynolds rips open a hole in space-time to the Cancerverse. At the end of Annihilation - Scourge, Reynolds re-merges with the Void and they end up alternating control of their shared body.
  • Speech Bubbles: The Void's speech bubbles are black with white lettering, the exact opposite of the Sentry's and most other characters.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: After Bob Reynolds accepts it as a part of his damaged psyche, the Void stops manifesting as a separate entity from him and begins taking over his body. At the end of the 2018 Sentry series it appeared that they underwent a Split-Personality Merge, but Agents of Wakanda and Annihilation - Scourge retconned this to being more a case of them Sharing a Body.
  • Took a Level in Badass: The Void began taking on larger, more powerful forms leading up to Siege, possibly due to the second dose of serum provided by Norman Osborn. Before, during the Sentry miniseries, the Void seemed to be limited to humanoid size at best.
    • Following his becoming a Horseman of Apocalypse, he's even more of a beast than usual, quite capable of handling Thor alone and delaying a Celestial.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Void can shapeshift at will, sometimes taking the form of whatever its opponents fear most.
  • Xenomorph Xerox: One of its forms was a colossal Gigeresque monster with squid-like tentacles for hair and a segmented tail tipped by a blade.

  • Arch-Enemy: He is Sentry's other archenemy in the AoTS comics.
