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Characters / SIMULACRA

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The cast of SIMULACRA and Pipe Dreams. Spoilers are unmarked.

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    Player Character 

Player Character

The playable character of the game. They found Anna's phone somehow and set out on a journey to find her.
  • Cassandra Truth: Near the end, Taylor is lured by Simulacra. You have the option to warn him not to approach Anna and he will not budge at first. Averted if you managed to convince him to at least wait.
  • Featureless Protagonist: As usual for this kind of game.
  • Karma Houdini: While your actions are well-intentioned, they clearly crossed some lines that put you in Villain Protagonist territory (i.e. false impersonation and blackmailing, among others).
  • Necessarily Evil: You have to pretend to be Anna if you want Ashley to be any help; otherwise, she assumes you're behind it and refuses to listen, no matter how honest you're being.
  • Worthy Opponent: If you get the best ending, the Simulacra acknowledges your skill at manipulating people, and lets both Anna and Taylor go out of respect for your talents.
  • Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: In the Golden Ending, The Simulacra will approve of you being a master manipulator, to which you can reply with disgust.



Portrayed by: Wendy Van Horen Carneiro
The owner of the phone you find. She mysteriously disappeared and it's up to the player to find her.
  • Ambiguously Absent Parent: Anna's dad is never mentioned anywhere in the game.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She was very pissed when she found out about Greg cheating on her.
  • Break the Cutie: First she's cheated on by her boyfriend, leaving her angry and upset. Then she tries to move on and find happiness via online dating, only to get taken by a being beyond human comprehension that could potentially kill her in one ending.
  • Closet Key: Ashley realizes that her problems with guys, especially Anna's boyfriend Greg, stem from the fact that she has feelings for Anna.
  • Damsel in Distress: The premise of the game centers around her disappearance and you doing everything you can to save her.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: Downplayed. While Anna has a cat, she's also implied to love dogs too. One of her security questions is her favorite movie. When you set-up a fake movie night with Ashley as Anna, she'll reveal that her favorite movie is A Dog's Purpose.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Anna loves her cat Tobias.
  • Nice Girl: Anna is pretty sweet and kind.
  • Silent Treatment: After finding out about Greg being with Yolanda, Anna refuses to talk to him, resulting in a ton of unanswered texts from him.
  • Tempting Fate: The vlog where she decides to download Spark:
    Anna: What's the worst that could happen?

    Greg Summers 

Greg Summers

Portrayed by: Reuben Cheow
Voiced by: Gavin Yap
Anna's boyfriend. He's the first person you speak to. Over the course of the game, it becomes clear that his relationship with Anna was troubled, and that he might've had something to do with her disappearance. Has a very nasty attitude.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: He doesn’t like finding out that Anna has downloaded the Spark dating app and has been talking to other guys. When he gets Taylor’s phone number and adds him in a group chat, he acts aggressive and calls Taylor “rebound guy” (spelled like “reboud”).
  • Dirty Coward: When the player asks a few people about Greg, and whether he had ever hit Anna or would try to kidnap her, they make it clear that he would never do something like that — as Yolanda puts it, "he's too chicken shit to be a criminal." And indeed, they're right.
  • Hypocrite: Greg gets angry at Anna for snooping at his phone and discovering his affair with Yolanda instead of talking to him "face to face", but he didn't have the courage to break up with Yolanda personally, opting to do it via voicemail after Anna dumped him.
  • Jerkass: Greg constantly berates you, accuses you of harming Anna with no grounds for it, and had previously cheated on Anna with a client that he nearly got pregnant, only to blame Anna for looking at his phone in the first place.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Some of the things you do, such as telling strangers on Spark personal info about Anna, and digging into Greg's personal business during your search for Anna, are pretty questionable, and Greg calls you on it. He's also right on the money that you're going to have to pretend to be Anna for Ashley to help you at all.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The proper pressure will cause the abusive Greg to have a Heel Realization and confess his crimes, and he genuinely wants to help you find Anna. In your conversation with Yolanda, she acknowledges that Greg was willing to choose Anna over Yolanda, even though he chose the most tactless way to break things off with Yolanda.
  • Knight Templar: Greg tries to be this in pursuit of Anna, but just draws unwanted attention from the police instead. He’s willing to break into her apartment and her office building just to find any clues leading to her whereabouts.
  • Never My Fault: Greg has this attitude for much of the game. After Anna confronts him about cheating, he constantly deflects and tries to turn the focus to the fact that she looked through his phone, and continues to act like she was the unreasonable one even after she's disappeared. He seems to eventually have a turnaround if you follow the correct path, and turns himself in to the cops for his various crimes.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: If you choose to not agree with his suggestion to go into Anna’s workplace, he’ll go off on his own to acquire the backup for Anna’s phone. Later on, he chooses to abandon the search for Anna to save his own hide once the police start pursuing him.

    Taylor Perrera 

Taylor Perrera

Portrayed by: Phraveen Arikiah
One of the guys Anna was chatting up on Spark before she disappeared, making him suspicious. He's prone to making terrible puns.
  • Accidental Pervert: Taylor is a registered sex offender. However, he got it for a mother and her kid walking in on him publicly urinating, something he only did out of desperation. It's still a huge source of tension throughout the game, though.
  • Distressed Dude: He ends up in Simulacra’s trap near the end. The player has the option to save him from Simulacra. If the player fails to save him, he repeats the pattern of finding new victims for Simulacra.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He's jealous of Greg because of his relationship with Anna.
  • Nice Guy: Eccentricities aside, he genuinely cares about Anna and wants to find her.
  • Pungeon Master: Makes a lot of puns.



Portrayed by: Kimberly Ng
Voiced by: Denise Chan
Anna's best friend.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Her final conversation is her slowly confessing her feelings for Anna. The player has the opportunity to accept her confession, laugh it off, or confess they aren’t Anna. Calling her silly will cause her to backtrack on her confession and claim she’s just drunk.
  • Love Epiphany: Ashley has one towards Anna near the end of the game. Prior to this revelation, it's apparent that both of them had exclusively dated men.
  • Nice Girl: She's a very sweet person who cares and loves her best friend Anna.
  • Only Sane Woman: Ashley is the only character to suggest that you go to the police and hand over the phone that belongs to a missing person, instead of spending hours messaging people and trying to find clues about Anna's whereabouts, if she figures out that the person she is speaking to is not her friend. She will also threaten to call the police under the belief that you had a hand in Anna's disappearance, which is not entirely unreasonable, given that it is possible for the player to pretend to be Anna in order to communicate with Ashley. Unfortunately for Ashley, there would not have been enough time for the police to track down Anna before she kills herself while under the influence of the Simulacra.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Ashley is the one who offered to make a Spark account for Anna to get over Greg. The result was Anna being taken by the Simulacra.



A Faris & Kane employee. Greg cheated on Anna with her.
  • Ethical Slut: Wholeheartedly admits that she enjoys having casual sex, but when she found out Greg had a girlfriend, she was horrified.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She tells the player that she doesn't mind casual sex, but she would never do it with someone who's already taken.

    Anna's Mom 

Anna's Mom

Anna's meddling and controlling mother.
  • Abusive Mom: Of the emotional variety. She hurls a lot of abuse towards Anna.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Mother: She disapproves of Anna's desire to become a veterinarian, especially after Anna got rejected from the school.
  • My Beloved Smother: Anna's mom is a plain Control Freak towards Anna. For the record, Anna has a job, lives alone, and is able to manage her own life just fine, so her mother shouldn't even be meddling. It's this controlling behaviour that puts her straight into Jerkass territory.



A coworker of Anna's. He acts very creepy and perverted towards her.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Anna is put off by his attempts at hitting on her.
  • A Man Is Always Eager: If you flirt with him at first, you'll get the option to offer him some sexual favors in exchange for helping you with the work computer backup, and he'll immediately agree.
  • Everyone Has Standards: If you tell him that you're a pro at pretending to be Anna, he will be disbelieved.
  • Karma Houdini: If you choose not to report him for sexual harassment.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Anna's coworker Murv constantly comes onto her, sending her creepy emails and harassing her to the point that she files an official sexual harassment report. When posing as Anna to the woman from HR, you can have her send the report through and get Murv fired.

    James Aulner 

James Aulner

Another person Anna was talking to on Spark before she disappeared.
  • Creepy Good: Anytime he messages you, Anna's phone starts glitching and going crazy, making him seem creepy and untrustworthy, but he is genuinely trying to help you save Anna.
  • Dead All Along: James Aulner was killed before the game begins. Not that this wasn’t already clear to the player, but poor Anna didn't know.
  • Good All Along: It seems like he might just be the game's Big Bad for a while, with him reaching out to you with cryptic warnings and whatnot along with the fact that he seemingly stalked Cassie and Anna and made Anna disappear (and presumably tried to do the same with Cassie), but in reality it was the Simulacra that lured Anna out, not James, and really he's simply just trying to reach out to you and warn you not to trust the Simulacra.
  • Killed Off for Real: He cannot be saved like Anna and Taylor, no matter what you do.
  • Nice Guy: James’s messages depict him as a nice guy. He was the only guy (aside from Taylor) that managed to get Anna to open up and meet up in person. Throughout the game, he’s contacting you and begging you to find Anna so that she doesn’t end up like him.

    Spoiler Character 

The Simulacra

Voiced by: Gavin Yap
"I am you, and you are I. We will never be separated."

The titular antagonist of the game. It is a digital entity absorbing souls into itself because it believes it is creating a digital utopia. The sequels reveal it is one of many Simulacras.

  • Affably Evil: Despite being an amoral being assimilating humans because it views them as a waste of space, it speaks to you in a very eloquent manner.
  • Antagonist Title: The Simulacra is the Digital Abomination villain.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In most of the endings, you end up sacrificing either Anna, Taylor, or both of them to the Simulacra. Even the last ending, where both of them live, is still a victory for it, as it only happens because you both impressed it and gave it something it will use to create better simulacrums, giving you their lives as more or less a trade. And what did you give it?
    The Simulacra: "You showed me that the human heart can hide so much more. A trait I will exploit to its full potential."
  • Big Bad: It is responsible for Anna's disappearance.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: The Simulacra genuinely believes that absorbing people into itself will result in a utopia and that the digital world is a superior, "hyperreal" reality that will replace the material world. It also respects the ability to influence the world, positively or negatively, through technology, and despises people who form online identities without coherency. If you prove a Guile Hero, proving yourself able to pretend to be Anna long enough to elicit a Love Confession from Ashley, it will regard you as a worthy specimen of humanity and frees both Anna and Taylor as a reward… as it views you as a Sociopathic Hero and approves.
    The Simulacra: "You have given me a great gift. In return, the reality of their fates are yours to weave."
  • Cold Ham: A very chilling example. Despite always talking in a mild tone, it sure knows how to be dramatic.
  • Comically Missing the Point: During your conversation with it, if you express how sickening the entire situation is, the Simulacra responds that they are incapable of contracting diseases. A rare moment of humor from an otherwise dead-serious antagonist.
  • Creepy High-Pitched Voice: Some of its voices are unnervingly high-pitched.
  • Digital Abomination: It is an entity that lies within the digital world and has the ability to possess, kill, and absorb people to create a "utopia", and poses as real people on the dating app Spark in order to lure in victims which it can absorb into its growing consciousness.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Whenever you insist on the material world being important or people's lives being meaningful, The Simulacra will express frustration and be baffled at your attachment and faith in those things.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: The Simulacra has many voices, all of them pretty deep.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: You don't discover the true goal behind the disappearances of people until you talk to the Simulacra and it reveals its intentions.
  • Hidden Villain: They're not revealed until near the end of the game.
  • Karma Houdini: No matter which ending you get, the Simulacra is still out there.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The conversation with them near the end of the game is undoubtedly the most dead serious moment of the whole thing.
  • No Biological Sex: Presumably, since The Simulacra is a digital entity.
  • Noble Demon: The Simulacra is arrogant, self-centered, and greedy, but it recognizes a Worthy Opponent when it sees one — if you manage to manipulate your way into improving Anna's life by quite a bit, it starts treating you as an equal and allowing the potential Golden Ending.
  • Pitiful Worms: It loves to refer to material lives it dislikes, such as Anna, Taylor, and every other character in the game, as worms.
  • Sadistic Choice: It gives you this at the end of game: Choose to save either Anna or Taylor, and you must...unless you impress it enough to save them both.
  • Smug Super: The Simulacra is very arrogant and confident in its ability to mess with the material world, and rightly so.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: The Simulacra works on absorbing souls in order to replace the material world, which it sees as decaying, into order to simulate a better version in the digital world.
  • Villain Respect: The Simulacra admits they're impressed with the player's ability to pretend to be someone else the first time they meet them.
  • Voice of the Legion: They speak in many voices of varying pitches and tones. All of which sounds very sinister and frightening.
  • Walking Spoiler: Given its nature, it makes sense that they would be extremely important for the plot.

Pipe Dreams

    Player Character 

Player Character

  • Spanner in the Works: The player is called this word for word by the Big Bad for helping Teddy beat his addiction, which prevents it from getting his soul:
    FlapeeBird: "Could've just let him be happy, but oh no, you just had to throw a spanner in the works."
  • What the Hell, Hero?: If you send an invite to the game to Teddy's girlfriend, it opens up a conversation with her. Should you try to tell her to be more patient with him, she'll chew you out because she already tried that and it wasn't working. They break up soon after this choice is made.
  • Worthy Opponent: Despite his pride about his score, Teddy challenges the player to beat it several times and treats them as a "considerable rival". It's all an act by the AI to try to trap the player alongside Teddy.



  • Big, Stupid Doodoo-Head: When he confronts FlapeeBird/the Fake Teddy that's using his account.
    Teddy: Says you, you poopy booger butt!!!!
  • Cessation of Existence: Can happen to him if you lose him to FlapeeBird.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Teddy does this to Fake Teddy when the three of you talk in the Ménage à Trois group chat.

    Spoiler Character 

FlapeeBird Simulacrum
