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Characters / Pathfinder Adventure Path Strength Of Thousands

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    In General 
  • Level-Up at Intimacy 5: While romance isn't required, all of the classmates have unique benefits they can provide the PCs who associate with them, such as uncommon spells or items and bonuses while studying.
  • Out of Focus: Once the first book of the Adventure Path is complete, the narrative of the adventure stops mentioning them much. It's assumed that the PCs will take a shining to a few and GMs can improvise their roles in the adventure from there, as keeping track of what all 9 of them are up to at all times would distract from the overall story.
  • Romance Arc: A possibility for all classmates, depending on how flirty the PCs are feeling, as none have any romantic commitments (barring some light Ship Tease between Ignaci and Okoro).

     Anchor Root 
Race: Ant Gnoll
Alignment: True Neutral

Race: Catfolk
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Asleep in Class: Tends to fall asleep in class, but is well-known for always knowing the answer if he's called upon anyway.
  • Book Dumb: Not the case by the time of the adventure path, but his undiagnosed dyslexia meant he learned a lot less than he honestly could due to people never bothering to teach him. He's since subverted it now that someone taught him a way around his issues, but he still acts like the Class Clown due to habit.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He's clearly extremely intelligent, but fully embraces the lazy screw-up persona that was thrust upon him when he was younger.
  • Clandestine Chemist: He sometimes sneaks away alchemical components in order to make moonshine in a still in his room.
  • Never Learned to Read: He spent most of his youth unable to read, no matter how many times people tried to teach him. Eventually, a traveling scholar was able to recognize that he's dyslexic.

    Esi Djana 
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good

  • The Ace: She's outright described as an "ace student", and is implied to be smarter than some of the teachers.
  • Class Princess: Despite being really pretty and popular, she's nice to everyone, including the unpopular kids.
  • Lady And A Scholar: She is very smart, and, while she occasionally annoys the teachers by insisting she knows better, she's usually right.
  • She's All Grown Up: if she survives till the end, she becomes a teacher herself.

    Haibram Thodja 
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic Good

  • Competition Freak: If he gets the sense that something is a competition, he will try to win no matter what. He's most well-known for jumping off a three-story building to win a game of tag.
  • Life of the Party: He tends to go a little overboard sometimes, but is undeniably fun to be around.
  • Pyromaniac: He has a love for fire, both magical and non-magical.

    Ignaci Canterells 
Race: Human
Alightment: True Neutral

  • Defector from Decadence: He joined the Vidric Revolution partially out of a sense of justice, but mostly out of hatred for his colonist family and everyone like them.
  • High-School Hustler: One of the first things he does when he meets the players is offer to sell them under-the-counter alchemical items. He also maintains a slot machine that, instead of paying out money, occasionally dispenses coursework tips but usually gives an Ice-Cream Koan. Said slot machine is disguised as an alter to Nethys the Mad God of Magic to obscure his involvement. However, he refuses to sell bombs or poisons, and his slot machine is enchanted to only take a person's money once per assignment so that a student can't gamble everything away in desperation.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: It's mentioned that he is known for being easily swayed into bad decisions by attractive men. Interestingly, he is often seen being talked into bad decisions by Okoro, implying a bit of a crush.
  • Parental Betrayal: He was deliberately abandoned by his parents as a teenager during a violent, chaotic political uprising.
  • Plot Allergy: Relatively early on in the Adventure Path, he's stung by a giant bee, and was unknowingly allergic to them. Players can help him get to safety and treatment, but it's possible that he goes into shock and dies if they botch a Medicine roll.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: His experiences during the Vidric Revolution were clearly traumatic, leaving him paranoid and without any close friends at the Magaambya.

    Mariama Keitana 
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Cosmic Plaything: Extremely outlandish and unlikely things seem to happen to her on a regular basis.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: She's almost as popular as Esi, and tends to vary between being extremely kind and rather mean.
  • Mood-Swinger: She tends towards extremes in her mood and how she treats people.
  • Self-Made Myth: Despite living such an wild life, she also tells very tall tales about her exploits, to the point where people aren't sure if she's telling the truth or making it all up. (How much is true is left up to the GM to decide.)
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: She brags about knowing swear words from almost every language on the planet.
  • Weirdness Magnet: The book outright calls her a "chaos magnet".

Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Abusive Parents: The exact details are kept vague, but Noxolo's parents had her entire life strictly planned out, and would punish her for any deviation from that plan.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: She specializes in necromancy and has a morbid sense of humor, but seems nice enough otherwise.
  • I Hear Dead People: She has some sort of connection with ghosts, hearing strange whispers from sources like cow bones and dead birds. These whispers were what convinced her to leave her home and find freedom at the Magaambya.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: She has a pet of unknown origin she calls a "snabble", which looks like a 2-foot-long cross between a crocodile and a bear cub.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: She dressed as a man to disguise herself while escaping her family, but found that she preferred her new look and keeps it up.

    Okoro Obiyo 
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Absurd Phobia: He's afraid of butterflies, and is quite aware of how ridiculous that is.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: He tends to bounce between subjects of study on a monthly basis, and it's said that nothing can wrest his attention and enthusiasm away from that subject until the next one comes along.
  • Lovable Jock: He's a natural athelete interested in many sports, is kindhearted, and is very popular as a result.
  • The Pollyanna: He maintains a strong sense of positivity and cheerfulness even in the face of setbacks and challenges.

    Strands-of-Glowing-Dawn Tzeniwe 
Race: Anadi
Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Friendly Neighborhood Spider: Like all Anadis, her true form is that of a human-sized spider, but she spends most of her time in human form because she understands that spiders make some people uncomfortable or frightened. Her sons, not yet old enough to take a Human form, are just as friendly, and often ride on her shoulders.
  • Glamorous Single Mother: She has two toddlers, named Zachva and Zanvi, and enrolled in the Magaambya in order to be able to pass on the magic she learns to them some day. It's mentioned that she's able to pass them off to others and focus on her studies when they get to be too much to handle.
  • Team Mom: In addition to being the only actual mother in the student body, she has a habit of leaving her peers small anonymous gifts to make them feel comfortable.


    Old-Man Jatembe 

Ancestry: Lizardfolk
Alignment: True Neutral
Area of Specialty: Diplomatic history and relations

  • Absent-Minded Professor: When it comes to diplomatic history and customs, she's absolutely brilliant. When it comes to day-to-day things like "showing up for class" and "remembering to eat"? Not so much.
  • Domesticated Dinosaurs: She hatches and raises microraptors as a hobby, sometimes fostering them with students that show an interest.
  • Forgets to Eat: To the point where the head of the school's kitchen has started to check in to make sure she has eaten at least once a day.
  • Furry Reminder: When trying to concentrate, she licks her eyeballs like certain lizards do, not realizing that it's a bit off-putting.

    Izem Mezitani 
Ancestry: Aasimar
Alignment: Neutral Good
Area of Specialty: Exploration and archaeology

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Absolutely one of these, to the point where he has arrest warrants in five different nations, and honorary doctorates in three. His current stint at the Magaambya started after an "expedition" went wrong near Mzali, and he only agreed to teach in exchange for a safe haven and medical care.
  • Everyone Can See It: It's mentioned that he's only sticking around The Magaambya due to a crush on a fellow teacher, and his association with Tahenkot is listed as "uncharacteristically stammering".
  • Hot Teacher: He's quite popular on-campus due to his good looks and natural charisma.
  • Winged Humanoid: His Aasimar ancestry manifests as falcon-like wings sprouting from his back.

    Koride Ulawa 
Ancestry: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Area of Specialty: Insects in magic and ecology

  • Cool Teacher: Her snarky demeanor and laid-back attitude have gained her quite a few fans amongst students, although others rightfully call her out as an Apathetic Teacher towards students she personally dislikes.
  • Fighting from the Inside: She manages to temporarily throw off the Vessicant Egg's mind control while the PCs are still fighting her, instantly surrendering and telling them everything she knows about its influence during her lucidity.
  • Heel Realization: She fully realizes how badly she screwed up by continuing to study the Vessicant Egg after promising not to, and completely owns up to it and accepts potential punishments.
  • Lack of Empathy: Not quite to the level of full-blown sociopathy, but she tends to disregard the feelings of those around her and any negative consequences her actions might have on them. She has trouble maintaining relationships as a result. Even when her villainy is revealed, it's emphasized that she's not actively malicious, she's just oblivious to how her actions affect other people.
  • Legacy Seeker: Her continued study of the Vessicant Egg is fueled by her secret fears that she hasn't done anything noteworthy to be remembered by, so she's hoping for a brilliant breakthrough she can be remembered for once she's gone.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: She has a genuine love for the "repulsive" parts of nature, like rot, fungus, bones, and especially insects.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: She was going to dispose of the Vessicant Egg as instructed, but decided on a whim to keep studying it, which leads to the corruption of many students and the near-destruction of Nantambu during the Adventure Path's climax.

Ancestry: Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Area of Specialty: Extraplanar portals and creatures

  • Expert in Underwater Basket Weaving: Though known for her teachings on extraplanar portals and creatures, her other main area of study is space flight. While Golarion does flirt with Science Fantasy to the point where this isn't completely ridiculous, it's still a very obscure thing to be an expert in.
  • Hidden Elf Village: She hails from one of these, being a cultural liason for the Alijae elves from Nagisa in addition to her other duties.
  • Perky Goth: Despite her intimidating teaching style, she has a bubbly, cheerful personality and wears dainty pink dresses decorated with demon bones, essentially making her one of these with a pastel style.
  • Stern Teacher: Since she teaches magic dealing with dangerous extraplanar creatures, she will correct any mistakes students make instantly and bluntly, because it's very possible it could lead to death and destruction otherwise. This leads to many students being terrified of her, despite her petite frame and cheerful personality.

    Mafika Ayuwari 
Ancestry: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Area of Specialty: Self-defense

  • Academic Athlete: He's the academy's self-defense teacher, and while he understands that many of his students are uninterested in fighting, he still teaches them basics like how to fall safely, how to twist away from danger, and slip out of holds.
  • Badass Teacher: The guy participated in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament and lived to tell the tale, making him on-par with your average Mortal Kombat character in terms of badassery.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Anyone who played the earlier Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path will recognize him as the leader of the Speakers of the Winds team participating in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament.
  • Foreign Culture Fetish: Very downplayed, but he seems to have picked up an appreciation for Tian food from his time in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, as he runs his own ramen cart on the weekends.
  • Fitness Nut: He encourages students to pick up healthy eating habits and exercise regularly, which can be an uphill battle for the magically-inclined.

Ancestry: Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Area of Specialty: History through artwork

  • Cool Teacher: While she's still considered somewhat stern and demanding, she goes out of her way to make her lessons memorable and engaging enough that most students consider them worth it.
  • Performance Artist: If there's a play happening anywhere on-campus, you can safely assume Nhyira is involved in some capacity. Many of her lessons involve watching a play followed by an in-depth discussion afterwards.

Ancestry: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Area of Specialty: Magical flight

  • The Ace: She is truly an expert in magical flight, which informs her perfectionist nature.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Hoo boy. Tahenkot is an extremely-exacting teacher, demanding the very best effort from students at all times and not cutting them any slack. Her intentions are noble, as she wants to inspire students to reach their full potential, but her methods lead to her having a bad reputation with most students.
  • Stealth Mentor: She purposefully makes her assignments extremely difficult to do alone, with the intention that students will get the hint and seek outside help in order to complete them, which is the real lesson she's trying to impart. If they don't, though? Well, tough luck.

    Takulu Ot 
Alignment: Lawful Good
Area of Specialty: Arcane theory and mathematics

  • Cool Teacher: Very much so. He's quite friendly and caring, and usually provides a good first impression to students (including the PCs.)
  • The Fashionista: He wears beautiful robes that never seem to get wrinkled.
  • The Heart: He's more compassionate than most of the teachers, and often sees them as too distant.
  • Gentleman and a Scholar: He has +5 to int (meaning an int score of 20-21) and is quite a Nice Guy.
  • Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: Some of the students claim that he really has some kind of past as a villain, but he's really as goodly as he seems.

Ancestry: Half-Orc
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Area of Specialty: Religious study and protective magic

  • Conspiracy Theorist: He has some very outlandish beliefs, and many of his lectures veer into rants about theories that have been long-debunked by other scholars. Many of his students are still unsure if he's a true believer or if he's just messing with them by this point.
  • Milkman Conspiracy: Golarion is a setting where there really are malevolent supernatural forces maniuplating events from behind the scenes, but Zuma's theories tend to be so far off-base that they end up being these.
  • Satanic Panic: One of his go-to theories is that certain children's games have roots in devil worship, in a nod to the real-life accusations levied towards Dungeons & Dragons back in the 80's and 90's.
