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Characters / Pac-Land

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This page is for the characters in the Pac-Man animated series, as well as those from the Recursive Adaptation listed in the page's name.

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Pac-Man and his family

    Pac-Man (Packy)
Voice: Marty Ingels
  • The Ace: He's able to carry out countless situations whenever the Ghost Monsters are involved as he's the head security of the Power Pellet Forest who gives orders to other employees, shown to be Crazy-Prepared, is heavily skilled in competitions, and is greatly equipped in many areas. In short, Pac-Man is undoubtedly in a league of his own... most of the time.
  • Action Dad: Just like his game incarnation, he is one hell of a badass and the father of an extremely rambunctious pinball.
  • Badly Battered Babysitter: He cannot catch a single break if he's in charge of looking after Pac-Baby. When he used a magic trick that accidentally made him disappear in Pac-Baby Panic, he tried to use Chomp-Chomp as his replacement, to which Ms. Pac-Man actually fell for it until Sour Puss decided to be a Jerkass by using Pac-Fleas on him to blow away his position. He did manage to bring him back after saying the magic spell correctly (albeit unintentionally).
  • Butt-Monkey: He may be The Hero of the show, but he still finds himself on the short end of the stick, mostly Played for Laughs, whether it's getting trampled by Chomp-Chomp and Sourpuss during their disputes, enduring numerous Amusing Injuries, getting infected with poison ivy, threatened by his boss to the point of almost getting fired, or at the very worst of it: getting chomped by the Ghost Monsters.
  • Catchphrase: "That's me." (Usually when someone said Pac-Man's name, even in the opening sequence.)
  • Fedora of Asskicking: This incarnation of Pac-Man wears a rather classy red fedora, takes on any challenge and defeats the Ghost Monsters with his powerful chomps on numerous occasions, no matter how may times they try to take him down.
  • Guile Hero: Taking a note from Bugs Bunny, he'll often rely on trickery, manipulation, witty schemes, and many backup plans at his disposal to thwart any attempt from the Ghost Monsters at any given turn, mostly at the drop of a hat.
  • Hulking Out: He usually briefly gains muscle mass when he eats Power Pellets. It's fitting because the inspiration of him getting strengthened by Power-Up Food was heavily inspired by Popeye.
  • Red Is Heroic: Has a red fedora that matches the color of his iconic red boots, and is a highly beloved hero to all of Pac-Land.
  • The Slacker: Even if he's the chief guardian of the Power Pellet Forest, Pac-Man will take his time to sporadically goof off on his duties, such as playing paddleball or juggling pellets while standing on a desk. He still takes his job seriously, however, so he's far from inept.

    Ms. Pac-Man (Pepper)
Voice: Barbara Minkus
  • Action Mom: Just like her game incarnation, she is one hell of a badass and the mother of an extremely rambunctious pinball.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Downplayed. Pac-Man sometimes uses her first name, Pepper.
  • Pale Females, Dark Males: In this series she's more of a lighter shade of yellow while Pac-Man is more dandelion.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Has a pair of pink heeled boots (unlike her game counterpart who wears red), a pink bow on her head, and wears pink lipstick.

Voice: Russi Taylor, Frank Welker (adult)
  • Ambiguous Gender: The bow would most likely give viewers the impression that Pac-Baby is a girl, but he's actually a boy: he's referred to as "he" in various episodes, and in Pac Van Winkle he's shown as an adult with a male voice.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: He’s a precocious toddler who can hold his own.
  • He Is All Grown Up: In the episode “Pac Van Winkle”, Pac Baby has grown into a young adult.
  • Third-Person Person: Frequently refers to himself as "Pac-Baby".

     Chomp Chomp 
‘’Voice: Frank Welker’’
  • Action Pet: He certainly has his own moments for chomping the Ghost Monsters if the entire Pac-Family happens to be involved with confronting them.
  • Dogs Are Dumb: Chomp Chomp is not exactly bright. He usually falls for Sour Puss' tricks (but turns out okay) and is highly oblivious of them.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Pac-Man was clearly unable to distinguish the Ghost Monsters' disguises in the episode A Bad Case of the Chomps after calling Pete the Plumber to fix his bathroom sink (who they've chomped), Chomp Chomp was able to see through them by biting off Blinky's plumber suit by blowing their cover.

     Sour Puss 
‘’Voice: Peter Cullen’’
  • Cats Are Mean: Sour Puss is known for playing nasty pranks on Chomp Chomp.
  • Jerkass: Pretty much all he ever does is trick Chomp-Chomp to get rid of him for no reason beyond Animal Jingoism.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Any prank that he tries to pull backfires on him while Chomp Chomp gets away unscathed.
  • The Noseless: Sour Puss is drawn without a nose.
  • Punny Name: Sour Puss rarely smiles (unless he plays some trick on Chomp Chomp) and “puss” is another word for “cat”.

The Ghost Gang

     In General 
A group of five ghosts (though one only seems to boss the others around). The five of them serve an evil overlord called Mezmaron, who seeks the location of Pac-land’s power pellet forest in order to gain power over Pac-land itself.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: In most Pac-Man games, the ghosts become Blue with Shock after Pac-Man devours a Power Pellet, but in this series, they turn pinkish-purple; in the episode Pac Van Winkle, Blinky lampshades by asking why they didn't turn "purple with panic". This aspect has even been carried over into the game Pac-Land, where whenever Pac consumes a Power Pellet, the ghosts turn indigo.
  • Ambiguously Related: In the Christmas special Christmas Comes to Pac-Land, Pac-Man and co. assist Santa Claus to have him deliver presents all over the world but the Ghost Monsters try to stop it from happening by chomping them. Pac-Man stops them and implores the Ghost Monsters about the meaning of Christmas as it includes joy and brotherly love. Blinky then asks him if it includes "ghost brothers" with the former saying "of course", to which Blinky and Pinky smile at each other, implying that some of the Ghost Monsters are siblings. A further questionable aspect is Dinky, who's the younger cousin of Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde but neither of his parents are never shown in any episode he appears in.
  • Arch-Nemesis: ALL of them have a bone to pick with Pac-Man. How long have they've been enemies with him is never addressed whatsoever, but it's more than implied that they've been enemies before the events of the show.
  • Catchphrase: They have several throughout the show, but their main one is that every time Pac-Man eats a Power Pellet, they all shout "Pa-Pa-Pa-Pac-Power!" in unison.
  • The Dreaded: They're considered to be the biggest threat in all of Pac-Land and most of the Pac-citizens panic whenever their presence is known. In fact, in the episode Pac Van Winkle, the Ghost Monsters were so deadly that they've taken over ALL of Pac-Land, renamed it Ghost Land, and had it overrun by all Ghost Monsters whereas the Pac-People themselves are all banished underground. All because Pac-Man went to a witch's house after getting lost and drank a sleeping potion that caused him to fall asleep for over 25 years.
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: They tend to act like this a lot, despite being the most visible antagonists.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: If it isn't Pac-Man going through Amusing Injuries in the show, then these guys get it the worst. Whenever they're not chomped by Pac-Man himself, they go through some other humiliating misfortunes, such as painfully becoming Power Pellets inside of a conveyor belt, heavily burned by launch exhaust from a rocket shuttle, getting chomped by a Pac-Shark, comically flattened— the list goes on, and they always shrug it off. This can be justified since they're ghosts... (or ghost-like in appearance.)
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": They become frightened babies and head for the hills whenever it's Pac-Man's turn to chomp them.
  • Midair Bobbing: All 5 of them possess this trait whenever they're staying still and/or in a group. Sometimes they do this in unison, or some of them will repeat the motion after each other.
  • Never Bareheaded: The four male ghosts each wear unique hats (Clyde a derby, Pinky a cap, Inky a fedora and Blinky a floppy hat) while Sue wears earrings.
  • Sudden Anatomy: After getting zapped by lightning, Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde are seen wearing bandages and casts. As they're all heading back home, Blinky screams in pain by exclaiming that one of them stepped on his "toe" even though neither of the Ghost Monsters have any feet. (Unless the smaller multiple flaps at the bottom of their cloths are their toes.) Also, they seem to have actual internal organs in the episode A Bad Case of the Chomps where Clyde and Sue disguise themselves as a doctor and a nurse as an attempt to fool Pac-Man. Clyde turns on the X-Ray scanner, accidentally revealing Inky and Pinky having actual beating hearts, but then immediately turns it off as soon as Pac-Man sees them. The Ghost Monsters are also capable of just flat-out walking on the ground, as shown in the episode Nighty Nightmare when they were sneaking past Mezmaron as he was sleeping to reclaim the Nightmare Machine to give Pac-Man nightmares, although it does beg the question of why they would walk when they can easily float.
  • Super-Strength: They're given this standard power when all 5 of them become Super Ghosts. Inky can cause a building to vibrate by using it as a punching bag and knocking it over makes it shatter like a dinner plate when it hits the ground, Sue and Clyde can carry large vehicles such as bus, and Pinky is able to snag and pull the wires of a bridge by strumming them like strings on a harp, causing it to collapse where Ms. Pac-Man was previously driving on (until Pac-Man saved her that is). Sue rips an entire building out of the ground just by pulling off the top to prevent Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man from escaping, and Pinky does a Super Rug-Pull just to fling both of them off the ground to separate them. Blinky plows himself through the side of a building so hard he makes an Impact Silhouette, although he likely did that by accident and out of fear to get away from getting chomped by Super Pac-Man (not the other one).
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the episode Super Ghosts they've been accidentally doused with a formula Mezmaron created to make the Ghost Monsters into more competent minions for his benefit and it actually worked when they transform into Super Ghosts, as they've been given superhuman powers akin to Superman and start to wreak havoc upon Pac-Land. This doesn't last after they've chomped Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, as their power goes right to their heads and bites them in the ass (no pun intended) later when they disobey Mezmaron. The married Pac-Couple become Super-Pacs themselves, show up, and chomp them all, bringing them back to their normal selves.
  • Vampire Vords: They all transform into Ghost Vampires in the episode Pacula after drinking a formula that Clyde (somehow) created. The transformation comes with the ability to speak with a vampire accent similar to Pacula's, but this only happens to Clyde, Inky, and Sue, while Pinky and Blinky's voices were left unchanged.
  • Villains Want Mercy: Practically every episode when the tables are turned on them when it comes to getting chomped by Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man), they'll fearfully beg for their lives to avoid the predicament. Clyde is prone to doing this a lot.
  • Voluntary Shape Shifting: The Ghost Monsters seem have to have malleable bodies where they're capable of morphing their appearances into objects, where in some episodes they've disguised themselves as a frisbee, bowling balls, or tires.
  • Waxing Lyrical: Whenever they're not after Pac-Man while taking a stroll (or fly), all of them will tend to sing all sorts of well-known songs in perfect unison, except mostly parodies with lyrics about chomping Pac-Man.

Voice: Neilson Ross
  • Adaptational Badass: In the games, he's the least interested in hunting down Pac-Man, as his AI doesn't even bother to consider where Pac-Man is, let alone intend to harm him. Here, he's the ghosts' leader and much more aggressive.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: In the main series, Clyde is the ghost with the least chance of touching you since he scatters whenever you get close. Here, he's the most competent and aggressive ghost of them all.
  • Big Ol' Unibrow: Usually drawn with a triangular-shaped unibrow to highlight his short-tempered and grouchy exterior.
  • Breath Weapon: Freezes Pac-Man into a "Pac-Sicle" with his ice breath, but he's only used this power merely as a Super Ghost.
  • The Dragon: The second highest in the ghosts' chain of command, second only to Mezmaron.
  • Enraged by Idiocy: He has such low tolerance for any shred of buffoonery and clumsiness hence how Inky is the general source of being blindly careless when it comes to plotting any schemes and/or crimes in Pac-Land. Nothing gets Clyde more riled up than Inky being a superfluous dunderhead.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Expect him to be seething with nothing but teeth-gritting anger in basically any episode since he barely expresses any calmness.
  • The Heavy: Mezmaron just sits around all day yelling about Power Pellets despite ostensibly being the Big Bad. Clyde, on the other hand, actually makes attempts on Pac-Man's life.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the loud-mouthed and no-nonsense serious red to Sue's nonchalant blue.
  • Unexplained Accent: The way how he speaks sounds like a blend between a New Jersey and Boston accent.

Voice: Chuck McCann
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Pinky got adapted from a cunning ambush master to an archetypical Tough Guy.
  • Dumb Muscle: Pinky tends to be seen as The Big Guy of the bunch even though he's never shown to do any form of brute force but he's at the very least a little smarter than Inky.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Without a doubt has the deepest voice out of all of the 5 Ghost Monsters.
  • Gender Flip: In the games, Pinky is female, but here, he's male.
  • Literal-Minded: After going through many failures to attack the Pac-Family, him, Inky, Blinky, and Clyde (except for Sue) are injured from lightning. When the family leaves the park, He says "We sure messed up their picnic didn't we?" where Inky replies "You can say that again!" Pinky then repeats it in the exact same tone to which Clyde shuts him up for already hearing him saying it the first time.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Averted in HIS case.
  • Simpleton Voice: Not exactly the brightest, but certainly not the dumbest (that goes to Inky) while he has a bumbling speech inflection.
  • Verbal Tic: Pinky tends to begin his sentences by going "duh.." in most episodes.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Pinky can change his shape into anything he can think of.

Voice: Barry Gordon
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Rather than being "bashful" or "fickle", Inky is an absent-minded goofball.
  • Bag of Holding: Inky's, erm... pockets act like this, and he seems to have something in them for any occasion (along with a lot of worthless junk).
  • Comically Cross-Eyed: Always wears a goofy expression with his pupils being shifted in different positions to highlight his idiocy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He may be an unapologetically moronic dimwit but that won't stop him from having some sarcastic sounding quips if an evil plot backfires, even if it towards Mezmaron himself.
  • The Ditz: To call Inky dumb would be an understatement.
  • Eye Scream: Had both of his eyes poked by Pac-Man's fingers when he and the Ghost Monsters were in the form of bowling balls, blowing their cover.
  • The Load: In most situations, he accidentally hinders the rest of the Ghost Monsters as well as himself. He even fed Pac-Baby a bag of Super Power Pellets... it goes down as much as you'd expect.
  • Simpleton Voice: He's by far the least intelligent of the 5 Ghost Monsters who's an inconsiderate and braindead doofus, as his idiot-sounding voice highly solidifies his status.

Voice: Chuck McCann
  • Adaptation Personality Change: The game series has Blinky as the aggressive, no-nonsense leader. In the show, he's a complete scaredy-cat and the main objector to Clyde's plans.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Hoo boy. Blinky suffered this majorly as he's not even the one in charge of the other ghosts. Not only that but the actual wimp part of this trope couldn't be anymore fitting as he always feebly relies on the others doing tasks for him, and is often forced by either Clyde or Sue to do as they ask, even though he does go along with Clyde's schemes if encouraged enough. He's also rather soft-spoken with a glaringly quivering voice to boot as he's generally a massive worrywart as well.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Within the very first episode Presidential Pac-Nappers where Pinky inflates himself to hold the Yellow House in place as the Ghost Monsters have the Pac-President hostage while Clyde demands Pac-Man to tell them the location of the Power Forest, and if he doesn't comply, Pinky will let go. Blinky basically asks if Pinky actually lets go what exactly would happen to everyone else... Clyde then tells him to "stop asking stupid questions!"
  • Butt-Monkey: Nothing goes his way at all. He's easily frightened, goes through many humiliating outcomes (along with the other Ghost Monsters), and he tends to be forced to do things he really doesn't want to go through with, such as when Sue ordered him to shoot down Pac-Man's spaceship and he even asks her why he has to ensure a demand regardless of his doubtful demeanor. Sue responds by asking if he didn't she will chomp his face off.
Blinky: Why do I always have to do the dangerous stuff?
  • Dirty Coward: Without a doubt his most defining characteristic in the show. He can't even bother to save himself whenever Pac-Man is energized with Power Pellets, and if he's not planning to leave the others behind (even though the rest of the Ghost Monsters will intentionally put each other in harm's way) Blinky is the one who usually gets chomped earlier.
  • Eye Beams: Has heat vision in The Super Ghosts as Clyde ordered him to shoot them at Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, but he claims that his doesn't even work properly. When he actually did it, the beams just came out sideways, zapping both Inky and Clyde instead.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: It's rather safe to say that none of the other Ghost Monsters tend to respect him. Usually Clyde and/or Sue will use him as an extension of a plan to achieve any means either for Mezamaron's tasks or catching Pac-Man. Hell, in the episode A Bad Case of the Chomps, after they've put on their Ghost suits, Sue asked where Blinky went, Clyde didn't really give a crap at all and assumed that he "saw his shadow and took off for the hills". Although, Pinky seems to tolerate him to a degree... except for one time he (accidentally) shoved him into a cannon when they tried to use guk to trap Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man's car.
  • Verbal Tic: While not an utterance of words he lets out a quick frightened raspy gasping sound since he's the most easily panicked and timid.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice in the first episode sounded way more nasally and wimpy compared to how he usually sounds in episodes thereafter.

Voice: Susan Silo
  • Adaptation Personality Change: In her original appearance in Ms. Pac-Man, she was identical to Clyde. The show turned her into a far more assertive and sneaky ghost... just like Clyde. Surprisingly, the more assertive version of Sue would eventually come to be in the main Pac-Man universe as well.
  • Adaptational Dye-Job: Sue was the same orange color as Clyde in Ms. Pac-Man, whereas in the show the color got entirely inverted to a lavenderish purple. This color change (as well as Sue's narrower eyes) would go on to appear in later Pac-Man games.
  • Arch-Enemy: She seems to have an animosity towards Ms. Pac-Man and at times, Ms. Pac-Man herself has a mutual disdain at Sue where in certain episodes Ms. Pac has a tendency to chomp her first before chomping the others. In Nighty Nightmares, Sue gets tangled in a spider web made out of Power Pellets but ponders where the spider is... turns out that Ms. Pac-Man is the "spider".
  • Big "NO!": Asks Ms. Pac-Man if there's a way of getting out of her personal nightmare and she actually gets an answer: Getting chomped. Her response is her yelling this out after hearing Ms. Pac-Man explaining her only solution.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Has levels of utmost dry wit who'll insult her own allies whenever they screw something up.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: A female Ghost Monster who's a dark lavender/violet with a hint of having charms of intellect and slyness.
  • Invisible Anatomy: Wears a pair of small earrings at both sides of her head without even requiring any ears to speak of.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's mainly the sly, suave, and sneaky blue to Clyde's highly boisterous red.
  • Only Sane Woman: A lot more cunning and tactical than the other Ghost Monsters at times. When Pac-Man leaves behind an inflatable replica of himself, Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde fell for the trick except for Sue as she stands there shaking her head.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Sue is the only female ghost monster here. Gets a little downplayed in episodes such as Pac Van Winkle where there's another female Ghost Monster in Ghost Land who has a husband, living in what used to be Pac-Man's residential house and in Once Upon a Chomp, a Fairy Ghostmother makes an appearance to help out the Ghost Monsters by giving them a storybook where the stories actually come true as a way to defeat Pac-Man.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: In a similar vein to Ms. Pac-Man, she too has feminine aesthetics such as having long eyelashes and unlike the male Ghost Monsters who wear hats, she doesn't wear a bow but has earrings instead.

Voice: Allan Laurie
  • Ambiguously Human: There's no indication of whether he's an actual human being or some form of humanoid-like entity, given how massive he is compared to every other character in the show.
  • Bald of Evil: Mezmaron doesn’t have a single hair on his head and he’s as nasty as they come.
  • Big Bad: He lords over the Ghost Monsters.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: He exclaims an altered version of his henchmen's catchphrase, "Pac-Mummy power!"
  • The Dreaded: He's gotten a reputation for being the most fearful entity in the show, as everyone in Pac-Land trembles in fear whenever he shows himself. Even his own henchmen, the Ghost Monsters themselves, are basically just as fearful as much as they revere his diabolical approach. In fact, they're more afraid of him than the Pac-People are, especially whenever they fail any of his missions.
  • Evil Genius: Has a natch for conducting nefarious inventions and experiments. He also has multiple beakers for holding chemicals in his lair for formulas.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: The most dominant villain in all of Pac-Land who speaks in a deepened vile voice.
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: At times, he can sound relatively scratchy.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: He lives in a sinister spiky mountainous area known as his "lava lair" on the farthest outskirts of Pac-Land.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: Underneath his ominous cloak he has on some ridiculous looking briefs, but nobody seems to ever actually make fun of him.
  • Orcus on His Throne: His diabolical schemes are usually handled by the Ghost Monsters, while he stands around and lurks in his lair until they return and then asks them if they succeeded. Sometimes he accompanies them, mainly to keep an eye on them.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Wears a black cloak donned with lengthy red sleeves. Along with his enormous size and his cloak, it makes him look undoubtedly ominous.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Has a devious pair of pale yellow eyes, although because of his menacingly tall frame, one wouldn't exactly call him sneaky.
  • You Have Failed Me: He angrily scolds the Ghost Monsters' shortcomings whenever they screw something up. In Pacula, after the ghosts were thwarted by Pac-Man, he outright replaces them with the titular vampiric antagonist, who actually did his job as well as he expected him to do. How the Ghost Monsters managed to reclaim their jobs after that is never established.
  • Your Size May Vary: In one episode he looms and towers over the citizens of Pac-Land, able to easily hold Pac-Man's entire body with his hand, while in others he's only about twice Pac-Man's height.

Season 2 Characters

     Super Pac 
‘’Voice: Lorenzo Music’’

‘’Voice: Darryl Hickman’’
