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Republican Union of America

    Republican Union of America
Official Name: Republican Union of America, American Legionary State (American Successor Path Unification), The Republic (Unknown Path Unification)
Ruling Party: Eagle's Spirit Party
Ideology: Haddockismnote 

  • The Dreaded: Everyone is terrified of this state and its Orwellian view on the world. It gets even worse after Haddock decides to stop abiding the Geneva Convention and makes use of nuclear warheads on major cities. In fact, the National Focus that allows Haddock to disregard the Convention comes with the warning: "PREPARE TO FIGHT EVERYONE AROUND YOU." Actually taking it gives every other American nation a Wargoal against him.
  • Fascist, but Inefficient: If Haddock devotes himself to "Pure Haddockism" in his economy and cultural revolution, he creates a system that is just efficient enough to keep running, but is otherwise deliberately inefficient in order to keep technological and economic growth stagnant, so no new force could emerge to destabilize The Republic.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: Besides President Haddock and Commandant Price, every member of the Republican Army and its splinter groups has their face concealed with some manner of bandana or gas mask, and they are to a ONE villainous, with the least evil (Sergeant Clarkson) still being an Opportunistic Bastard who defected to the Haddockists for power and casually calls people ableist slurs - the rest are varying shades of Ax-Crazy psychopaths who actively revel in the killing of "Divisionists".
  • Meaningful Rename: Downplayed. The ultimate name of Haddock's republic, though symbolic, is determined only by the player's choice in a single event.
  • Medieval Stasis: The "Pure Haddockism" economic and cultural paths make this an Enforced trope, as Haddock wishes to halt technological advancement to prevent any new forces from destabilizing his "Eternal" State.
  • People's Republic of Tyranny: The Republican Union of America is an openly despotic nightmare state, and "The Republic" path only doubles-down on it by engaging in the most extreme policies of Oceania from Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  • Red and Black Totalitarianism: The Republic Union's flag and its army embody this trope (although the later switch to standard camo uniforms if Sergeant Clarkson is appointed to be the Republican Army's Supreme Commander).
  • Repressive, but Efficient: If the RUA sets up a proper command economy, and goes down a pragmatic cultural revolution path (Hyper-Nationalism or Neo-Romanism), every citizen in the RUA are provided with their basic needs…and get ruthlessly crushed if they step out of line.

James Haddock
Role: Head of State
Party: Eagle's Spirit Party
Ideology: Haddockismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Amoral Attorney: Was a lawyer prior to being politically radicalized, due to the 2008 Financial Crash ruining his family's law firm, and driving himself to bankruptcy attempting to sue several Wall Street executives he blamed for it. He also acts as his own lawyer if he's defeated by the Confederation of America, to... less than favorable results.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Despite being Equal-Opportunity Evil when drawing upon his recruits, the rise of Haddock is disturbingly similar to that of many fascist leaders - a charismatic, pseudo-populist strongman promising to bring order and stability by force, lumping his enemies into a group of scapegoats ("Divisionists") to direct his followers anger towards, and forming paramilitaries to assault his enemies in the street. Even his former time with the CPUSA mirrors how both Benito Mussolini and Oswald Moseley initially held socialist beliefs before later shifting further right. And that's not getting into the open Red and Black Totalitarianism of his iconography, or the stormtrooper-esque uniforms of his soldiers...
  • Big Bad: Is one of the most powerful warlords of the American Collapse, with Word of God stating he's meant to be the True Final Boss for any other faction attempting to reunify the United States. He's also the most openly villainous, seeking to install a totalitarian dictatorship that can survive by crushing all opposition to dust.
  • Big Brother Is Watching You: Besides his more general totalitarianism, he does model himself In-Universe after 1984's Big Brother (although he's only operating on incomplete notes, due to George Orwell's death leaving the book unfinished in this timeline).
  • Commie Nazis: An Invoked example, as Haddock initially joined the CPUSA after his radicalization from the 2008 Financial Crash, later left them due to finding them ineffective at seizing power, and has started the Eagle Spirit’s Party to draw in disaffected radicals from the far-left and far-right.
  • Dystopia Justifies the Means: While nearly all National Totalitarian governments are this to an extent, Haddock's desired "Eternal State" embodies this the most, as he wishes to impose a hyper-authoritarian dictatorship that can (supposedly) maintain stability for all time.
  • Entitled Bastard: His whole crusade began when his parent’s law firm went under and his cushy lifestyle evaporated.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: Haddock views various forms of bigotry as simply more "Divisionism" that would undermine his Eternal State, and makes a point of emphasizing all citizens of his Republic will be equal... in submission to the Eternal State.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: The Tyrant of America shares a name with both a fish and a Tintin comic book character.
  • Misaimed Fandom: In-Universe, Haddock was inspired by George Orwell's incomplete notes to Nineteen Eighty-Four - and unlike other readers who viewed it either as either a warning against the rising communist and fascist dictatorships of the early 21st century, or a parody of them akin to A Modest Proposal, he viewed the government of Oceania as a legitimate means to impose stability for eternity.
  • Narcissist: Haddock suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and everything he does is to protect his own ego and sense of self-worth.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Despite being portrayed by French actor Vincent Cassel in his portrait, Word of God confirms he is fully fictional and does not represent any real life person.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite viewing the "Sons of Rome" conspiracy theory as embarrassing play-pretend, Haddock begins to genuinely enjoy playing Caesar if he goes down the RUA's Neo-Roman path.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Haddock views himself as the savior of humanity, destined to create an Eternal State that will prevent humanity from destroying itself... But does so by establishing an openly despotic nightmare that, if going into his most "pure" vision instead of pragmatic compromises, will deliberately self-sabotage itself so it remains economically and technologically stagnant forever so no instability can threaten it. It’s up to player interpretation whether Haddock is Believing His Own Lies about how such a system can truly aid humanity, or is just a megalomaniacal Narcissist with a Messiah complex.
  • Trumplica: Downplayed. Haddock shares a few characteristics with Donald Trump, namely being a New Yorker who runs for President on a populist, nationalistic platform. In-Universe Haddock was inspired by Trump's 2016 campaign, and drew off many of Trump's former supporters following the collapse of his presidency.
  • Villainous Breakdown: If he is defeated by the Confederation of America, Haddock acts as his own lawyer during his war crimes trial, goes on an Insane Troll Logic rant that essentially attempts to declare the Confederation's government illegitimate and himself the still-rightful ruler of America, and is either sentenced to death (where he delusionally thinks his executioners are secret supporters plotting to free him, only to Face Death with Despair when he realizes he's actually being lethally injected), or committed to an insane asylum (where he scribbles unintelligible lawsuits, and screams about his jailors putting pills into his tater tots - with the reaction text correcting him to saying they're in his meatloaf instead).

Role: General
Party: Eagle's Spirit Party
Ideology: Haddockismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Knight Templar: Is the most fanatically loyal of Haddock's Legates, and devotes more time to ensuring strict ideological adherence from his soldiers than actual training in combat.
  • More Dakka: Represents the Superior Firepower Land Doctrine, which focuses on drowning the enemy in artillery shells.

Role: General
Party: Eagle's Spirit Party
Ideology: Ultra-Maoismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

Role: General
Party: Eagle's Spirit Party
Ideology: Haddockismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

Sergeant Clarkson
Role: General
Party: Eagle's Spirit Party
Ideology: Haddockismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • The Quisling: Formerly a federal army soldier, Clarkson surrendered to Haddock in exchange for membership in the Republican Army, with Haddock granting his position more out of necessity for experienced soldiers than anything else.
  • Only Sane Man: Clarkson is the most grounded of the Republican Army commanders, as he actively refuses to participate in the pseudo-Roman naming system, and if appointed Supreme Commander abolishes it for a more traditional naming convention (forcing the "Legates" to be simply called Generals). He also represents the Grand Battle Plan Land Doctrine, using air support, combined arms and other modern warfare strategies compared to the various flavors of Awesome, but Impractical Hollywood Tactics the other Legates embody.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Despite being the Only Sane Man among the Republican Army's "Legates"/Generals, Clarkson isn't shy about using ableist slurs (namely "retarded", "-'tards", etc.)

GUARD\Black Legion Power Struggle

    Republican Loyalist Corps
Official Name: Republican Loyalist Corps, The Dead Zone (American Unification)
Ruling Party: The GUARD
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
The GUARD is the RUA's dedicated police and security service. Headed by Commandant Dallas Price, they initially serve as the enforcers of Haddock's decrees. During the early days of the Republic, tensions flare up between them and the emerging Black Legion, resulting in the Republican Civil War. Although both sides claim loyalty to Haddock, Price has his own goals...
  • Elite Mooks: The GUARD is considerably better trained and equipped than Haddock's standard army, and moreso than the motley rabble in The Black Legion.
  • Evil vs. Evil: Their Civil War with the Black Legion can be summarized as this. Dallas is a Misanthrope Supreme that has no problem using nuclear weapons to "kill Divisionists" and Fervus is a Haddockist fanatic with a notably more anarchic, violent streak.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The Government Urgent Armed Response Division.
  • Rabid Cop: A good chunk of their ranks come from police departments that were infiltrated in the run up to the 2024 elections.
  • Secret Police: Most of the GUARD's actual duties are focused on policing RUA territory.
  • State Sec: The GUARD serves this role to the RUA, being a professional, trained security force.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: The GUARD carries out civil defense and disaster relief efforts within the RUA, and make efforts to be seen as professional dispensers of law and order. During the initial collapse they provide food and medical assistance to the masses within Haddock's newly-acquired territories, to get the people on board with Haddockism.

Dallas Price
Role: Head of State
Party: The GUARD
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • The Dragon: Takes the role of this for Haddock after he replaces the Iron Corps with the GUARD.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Price ultimately doesn't care about Haddock's 'eternal state'. His true goal is to wipe out most of human civilization via nuclear conflict, so he and his GUARDians can rule over the remnants.
  • Lack of Empathy: Has no qualms about letting the GUARD loose on civilians because they were getting anxious from a lack of combat.
  • Misanthrope Supreme: Price hates almost all of humanity. The only people he actually likes are his GUARD operatives.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Suggests the idea that Haddock should make a deal with Tulsi Gabbard to cover the fact that undercover Homeland Security agents had bombed a police station taken over by anarchist militias, in exchange for federal forces cooperating with the GUARD to mass arrest Haddock's rivals. Haddock himself disagrees with it, but choosing Price's idea does boost National Totalitarianism.
  • Psycho for Hire: Price worked for PMCs (including Blackwater) before joining up with Haddock.

Role: General
Party: The GUARD
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Dumb Muscle: Downplay. While he is a 6 foot tall former fitness instructor with no formal military training who's combat tatics mostly amount to brute force, he's smart enough to be charismatic.

Role: General
Party: The GUARD
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Rabid Cop: Kosmos, formerly Chief of Police of Albany, joined Haddock and the ESP because he felt that a brutal totalitarian strongman was necessary to bring law and order America.

Role: General
Party: The GUARD
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Double Agent: While monitoring the ESP for the Department of Homeland Security, Princeps became enamored with Haddockism and secretly defected to the GUARD, feeding his ostensible superiors at the DHS false information.

    The Black Legion
Official Name: The Black Legion
Ruling Party: The Black Legion
Ideology: Anarcho-Totalitarianismnote 
The Black Legion emerged during the initial collapse, as groups of pro-Haddock militias, opportunistic criminals, and Sons of Rome conspiracy theorists banded together to secure territory for Haddock and purge divisionists. Haddock, sensing an opportunity, placed the group under the command of Prefect Furvus and unleashed them on the Atlantic Seaboard. In the 'March for Union', the Black Legion posed as roving bands of unaffiliated anarchists, gangsters, and militias who swept through the poorly defended areas, attacking vital infrastructure and remaining pre-collapse government institutions. And then the openly Haddockist GUARD were sent in their wake to provide assistance to survivors and establish Haddock's authority. The March for Union proved a success, and Haddock decided to keep the Black legion around as state-sponsored boogymen. A decision which infuriates Price, who views the Legion as bumbling lunatics (and suspects that Haddock plans to use them to replace the GUARD).

Prefect Fervus
Fervus Post-Unification
Role: Head of State
Party: The Black Legion
Ideology: Anarcho-Totalitarianismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Ax-Crazy: Even by the rock-bottom standards of Haddock's generals, Fervus is a psychopathic mass murderer, and leads equally deranged madmen in the Black Legion.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Furvus is a goddamn maniac, but is surprisingly good at asymmetrical warfare.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Furvus believes that a multi-dimensional future version of the Republic is sending telepathic rays back in time to him and directing him to purge all divisionists to ensure that the future Republic will come into existence.
  • The Dreaded: Furvus is this to the Black Legion. He's a ghoulish, creepy lunatic that they mainly follow out of fear.
  • Madness Mantra: Ave. Death. Invictus.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Rage is one of the few emotions that Furvus can feel.

Role: General
Party: The Black Legion
Ideology: Anarcho-Totalitarianismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Conspiracy Theorist: Prior to the collapse, Hyperion was a minor conspiracy Youtuber.
  • Fluffy Theterrible: Hyperion, a violent ideologue and the spiritual head of the Black Legion, was born Vinny Wheezer.


Early Resistance Movments

    Anti-Haddockist Uprising 
Official Name: Anti-Haddockist Uprising
Ruling Party: The Resistance
Ideology: Liberal Moderatismnote 

The Resistance
Role: Head of State
Party: The Resistance
Ideology: Liberal Moderatismnote 

  • La Résistance: Exactly what it says on the tin.

    New York City
Official Name: New York City
Ruling Party: New York Liberation Front - Liberationist Front
Ideology: Liberal Moderatismnote 

The Free America Movement
Role: Head of State
Party: New York Liberation Front - Liberationist Front
Ideology: Liberal Moderatismnote 

Danylo "Eliza" Kozlov
Role: Head of State
Party: Kozlovists
Ideology: Authoritarianism Technocracy note 

  • Emperor Scientist: Kozlov is a genius scientist specializing in the creation of "Super-Soldiers" who will rule as an authoritarian.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Kozlov is obsessed with getting revenge on James Haddock and Dr. Brighton, to the point that he will transform New York City into the "Megalopolis of Retribution" if he comes to power.
  • Fall Guy: During Kozlov's trial for illegally continuing the SAINT program, his co-conspirator Dr. Brighton shifted blame onto him with the help of then lawyer James Haddock.
  • Super-Soldier: Kozlov's previous occupation was as the co-head scientist of the SAINT super-soldier program.

Andrew Russo
Role: Head of State
Party: The Five Families
Ideology: Mercantile Republicanism note 

Mr. Hansen
Role: Head of State
Party: ESP Loyalist
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • The Faceless: Mr. Hasen's face is cloaked in shadow in his portrait.

    Free Boston Revolt
Official Name: Free Boston Revolt
Ruling Party: Boston Liberation Movement
Ideology: Inclusive Democracynote 

  • Doomed by Canon: Not only is the Revolt doomed destruction by the RUA, but Word of God confirms the said destruction to be Nuclear.

Free America Movement
Role: Head of State
Party: Boston Liberation Movement
Ideology: Inclusive Democracynote 

    The Greenback Boys 
Official Name: The Greenback Boys
Ruling Party: Populists
Ideology: Nationalismnote 
A group of milita-men led by Sergeant Reckers lead an uprising against Haddock and his Orwellian state. They don't put up too much of a major resistance, but their resistance is supported throughout the rest of the former United States against the hellhole that is the Republican Union of America.
  • We Hardly New Ye: The Greenback Boys are unlikely to survive more than a month after their uprising.

Sergeant Reckers
Role: Head of State
Party: Populists
Ideology: Nationalismnote 

Late-stage Uprisings

     Yellowstripe Confederacy
Official Name: Yellowstripe Confederacy
Ruling Party: Stratocrats
Ideology: Interim Governmentnote 

  • Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket: Despite their suicidal zeal, The Yellowstripe Confederacy's unparalleled incompetance make them a non-issue for their sworn enemy, The Republican Union of America. Averted if the Confederacy survives long enough to get their shit together.
  • The Remnant: The Confederacy is made up of the surviving members of The Greenback Boys.
  • Name To Run Away From Really Fast: If they survive long enough to organize, the Confederacy's newly christened special forces are known as the "Skinwalkers" in reference to the urban legend.

Commandant Kenneth
Role: Head of State
Party: Stratocrats
Ideology: Interim Govermentnote 

    Castellanos Death Cult 
Official Name: Castellanos Death Cult
Ruling Party: The Sacred Family
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 
an Annihilationist cult which emerge from the ruins of post-nuclear Boston.
  • Apocalypse Cult: The Sacred Family is intent on spreading the radioactive desolation of Boston to the rest of America.
  • Death World: Boston and its surrounding territories are so radioactive that the only areas capable of supporting life are the sewers and metros, and even those are so hazardous that 175 cultists die from radiation related causes per week.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: The cult's generals are all survivors of the Boston's nuclear destruction, with some even having personally witnessed the bombing.

Emily Castellanos
Role: Head of State
Party: The Sacred Family
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 

  • A Mother to Her Men: Castellanos gained her following by providing medical assistance to survivors after the bomb dropped.

Saint Avrick, Father Avrick
Role: General, Head of State (Averick Coup)
Party: The Sacred Family
Ideology: Rapturism note 

  • Religious Bruiser: Avrick is by far the most religiously zealous of the cult's generals, a zealotry which, as his "War Saint" trait would implied, he carries into combat. He's prone to entering as state which he calls "A righteous and calm fury", during which (dispite his calm, christ-like mannerism) he's capable of literally tearing people apart with his bear hands.

'The Good Children''
Role: Head of State
Party: Good Children Movment
Ideology: Anarcho-Totalitarianismnote 

Brother Christof

Role: General
Party: The Sacred Family
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 

Sister Ohara

Role: General
Party: The Sacred Family
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 

  • Eviler than Thou: If the Family choses to integrate The Commandant and his Order of Sole Novum, Ohara, one of the Family's brutalist sentinels, will become temporarily traumatized after witnessing the Commandant's sadistic massacre of the remnants of the Boston Police Department.

Lieutenant Baxter

Role: General
Party: The Sacred Family
Ideology: Nuclearismnote 

Rabid Cop: Baxter is prone to acts of "Romanesque bravado", fighting with only a baton and challenging The Commandant to a one-on-one gladiatorial dual for the fate of Boston.

     Ketzel's Rebellion 
Official Name: Ketzel's Rebellion
Ruling Party: Annihilationists
Ideology: Neo-Darwinismnote 

Isaac Ketzel
Role: Head of State
Ideology: Neo-Darwinismnote 

  • Defector from Decadence: Ketzel is a former member of the GUARD who joined Castellanos after he was abandoned in Boston before the nuclear strike.
  • Evil Ludite: In his anarcho-primitivist path, he will attempt to reverse the industrial revolution and violently drag America back to the dark ages.
  • Opportunistic Bastard: Despite being abandoned in a doomed city by his GUARD comrades and living through the radioactive hell of post-nuclear Boston, Ketzel is willing to rejoin the Republican Union as an autonomous puppet state.

The Commandant
Role: Head of State
Party: Anarchist
Ideology: National Anarchism note 

  • Blood Knight: The Commandant is unmatched in his devout obssesion with death and violence, mutilating and tourtering his enemies for his own amusment and regularly killing his own men.
  • The Dreaded: The Commandant is regularly described in almost apocalyptic terms sush as "The Face of Horror", a title which he more than earns.
  • Freudian Excuse: The Commandant's decent into depravity started when we was forced to eat human meat to survive.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: On top of being an insane death-worshiper, The Commandant is also a Nazism.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: The Commandant delusionally believes that he must consume human meat to regenerate his radiation damaged organs.
