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Awesome / Kirby and the Forgotten Land

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En garde, Kirby!

As per Kirby tradition, Kirby and the Forgotten Land proves that Kirby hasn't lost his touch in being awesome.

  • Starting right off the bat, this is the first-ever 3D mainline Kirby game! Apparently the reason HAL Laboratory had taken years to finally develop a proper 3D Kirby game is because they wanted to get it right!
  • Being 3D isn't the only first made for a mainline Kirby game here. It sadly has a smaller pool of copy abilities compared to previous titles but how does it make up for that? By having the option to evolve Kirby's powers! And by finding the right blueprints and the necessary funds, Kirby can go to the weapon shop to upgrade his ability hats for altered attacks! And suffice to say, every variant brings something awesome to the table!
    • Fire can be upgraded to Volcano Fire which lets Kirby spit projectile lava rocks and then into Dragon Fire. In this form, Kirby not only has stronger fire attacks that can melt a boss's lifebar thanks to Damage Over Time, but can turn into a winged fireball to glide through the air! Now why does that sound familiar?
    • How is Bomb evolved? Well, first up is Chain Bomb, which gives you special bombs that, if they’re near each other, the blasts chain and grow stronger! Not enough? How about Homing Bomb, which turns chain bombs into explosive drones that roll towards the nearest foe?
    • Tornado can now sweep up smaller enemies and items to toss them around! Fleur Tornado is more of the same, but it caps off with Storm Tornado, which not only has higher damage, but generates Stormcloud traps!
    • Ice can become Frosty Ice, which lets you make snowmen to launch at enemies. Then Blizzard Ice, which can really put foes in the deep freeze by spitting ice shards that linger on the ground and can be used just like the snowmen. The blizzard attack is way stronger and on top of that, Kirby also gets an unbreakable ice shield in place of his guard that can also be detonated for an attack!
    • Thought Needle was a little lame in the past? How about upgrading to Clutter Needle and spreading sharp debris at your enemies, and if that's not enough, Crystal Needle not only lasts longer, but also unleashes a sharp wave of spikes in front of you and a trail of spikes behind you. Needle also regains its roll momentum for every enemy hit, which can result in an extended period where Kirby is just a rolling sphere of spiked death.
    • Cutter is awesome as usual, allowing Kirby to charge the boomerang after it’s thrown. It can linger in the air while charging before flying back with triple strength! Chakram Cutter allows Kirby to throw out multiple cutters at once and Buzz-Saw Cutter? Well not only does Kirby now throw saw blades in place of cutters, but they can bounce off the walls!
    • Crash gets an upgrade. No, really! What upgrade could possibly make Crash even more impressive? The power to slow time! Not only that, the effect extends as long as Kirby can hit an enemy with the highly-damaging close-range area around him, meaning that it can theoretically go indefinitely as long as there's enemies to hit!
    • Hammer becomes Toy Hammer which goes for faster hits and then Wild Hammer which lets Kirby really go wild on his enemies with a giant stone mallet for slower, heavier, and explosive swings! And then comes the final upgrade, Masked Hammer! Kirby channels the power of Forgo Dedede while dual-wielding hammers!
    • One of the newest abilities is Ranger, which gives Kirby a gun. First Archer, now a gun that he can charge up to fire giant star shots. And the upgraded form is Noble Ranger which turns Kirby into a full-on gunslinger! And then comes Space Ranger, who comes packing a laser gun for faster shooting and a charge shot that bursts on contact into an explosion of sparks!
    • The other new ability is Drill, which lets Kirby dig underground and even cause small quakes and tremors by going in circles! The first upgrade, the Pencil Drill, might be a bit silly, right? Yes, but no less useful, as now Kirby can drop a projectile when coming back up and then comes Twin Drill which not only allows you to hurt foes while digging, but you deal even more damage now and can even fire the drills as a midair projectile without having to dig!
    • Even the Sleep power gets an upgrade in this game. In normal Kirby titles, it's the last power-up you want, since it leaves you helpless. In this game, if you end up getting it, you have a few seconds to move before Kirby conks out, and you can shorten the time he spends sleeping by button-mashing. You'll also get healed while Kirby sleeps, so it's not all bad. But then you upgrade it to Deep Sleep, and it gains a massive utility upgrade. You can pick the time when Kirby takes his nap, and then once he's finished, not only are you healed, but you also receive a temporary bonus to either Kirby's maximum HP, his damage output, or his movement speed. The latter two bonuses stack in duration, although Deep Sleep cannot be used for this stacking effect. Normally, you get those bonuses by paying a Waddle Dee coins, but once you get the Deep Sleep upgrade, you can shave a large amount off the amounts you pay, especially on the maximum HP bonus (normally 300 coins). Not bad for a power-up that was prior seen as nothing but a hindrance.
    • And last, but by no means least, the humble Sword. First off is Gigant Sword, which turns it into the same oversized sword Wild Edge wields for slower, heavier attacks plus an invincible spiked shield. What's the next step, you ask? Well, if you beat the first cup and defeat Meta Knight in the coliseum, you get the blueprints for Meta Knight Sword! In this form, Kirby’s sword attacks are faster, at full health every slash fires a wide sword beam, and the spin attack becomes stronger than ever! How do you top that? Like this: If you beat the post-game story and defeat Morpho Knight, then its sword becomes Sword’s final evolution. That's right, your reward for beating the EX mode final boss is the ability to wield the awesome power of what is essentially this universe's Grim Reaper! And let’s just say the damage this blade deals out is truly something to behold!
  • Kirby's dodging ability got a major upgrade going from a short-range move with limited i-frames to something seen in a Platinum game (complete with a bullet-time effect for dodging a near hit).
  • The opening of the final level of the final full world, Redgar Forbidden Lands, perfectly demonstrates what an unstoppable force Kirby is. Called "The Beast Pack's Final Stand", the level opens with Kirby taking an elevator ride down to the final holdout base of the Beast Pack. The music swells as the shutters open for Kirby, and then instantly transition to a wild and crazy drum beat as Kirby is presented with so much chaff to blow through. No more Beast Council. No escape. Just a bunch of enemies locked in a room with Kirby. One of the stage's missions even encourages the player to show off just how powerful Kirby is by having him effortlessly dispatch every last one of them.
  • Figure descriptions reveal a few things about Meta Knight in this game, such as that he resisted Fecto Forgo's attempts to brainwash him to their side out of sheer force of will, and on top of that has fought Gorimondo 30 times and won every single time. Not to mention becoming the protector of Waddle Dee Town in short time after arriving at the new world. He's the reason why Waddle Dee Town never gets ransacked again while Kirby is off on his journey!
  • Meta Knight's colosseum-exclusive fight and intro features a lot of cool moments on both sides of the duel.
    • Starting out, it begins with Meta Knight offering Kirby a sword just like old times to go one-on-one complete with the 'GRAB IT!' signal. Take it and Meta Knight reveals himself with his usual dramatic cape swish before flying at Kirby, who blocks his opening strike.
    • If Kirby doesn't pick up the sword, Meta Knight will open with his flying charge as usual but Kirby will dodge it complete with the new last-minute slow-mo effect.
    • Throughout the fight Meta Knight will also use the slow-motion dodge against you to counterattack. Looks like it's not just Kirby who's picked up some new tricks in the new world!
    • If timed right, Kirby can block one of Meta Knight's attacks and enter a Blade Lock quick-time event. If Kirby succeeds, he will disarm Meta Knight and stun him, leaving him open for free damage. Even better, you can steal Galaxia for yourself before he can recover and retrieve it. If it's the first time you're fighting him (or you haven't forged the blueprint yet), you get the Meta Knight Sword upgrade right then for free!
    • Disarming Meta Knight and taking Galaxia from him while he's stunned doesn't mean the fight is over. Meta Knight will quickly fly off and retrieve another sword to continue the fight. Not only is it apparently the same sword he used in his debut game, but Meta Knight is still perfectly capable of pulling off his usual ferocious attacks with that normal and nicked old blade, proving that Meta Knight's prowess and power come 100% from him and not just because he wields a magical sword.
  • Scratch that — all the game's bosses are awesome:
  • Mouthful Mode is so ridiculous it becomes this. Instead of being introduced to some new power-up like in the last few games, Kirby simply tried swallowing larger objects and by not fully swallowing them, Kirby can turn everyday things and devices into lethal weapons and tools to advance through the stage!
    • Use a car to barrel through enemies.
    • A traffic cone becomes a piercing spike.
    • A vending machine? An artillery battery spitting soda cans strong enough to break walls.
    • The O that fell off a building sign? It lets Kirby take a ring shape so he can let out powerful air blasts.
    • One can’t overlook how Kirby can somehow drive a car by stretching his mouth over it.
    • As we are sure you can predict, Mouthful Mode comes into play during the final boss. How? By inhaling a big rig, riding up the debris of a crumbling city, and ramming the final boss with it!
  • Let’s not downplay that truck moment to a mere mention: After Kirby frees Elfilin from Fecto Elfilis, Elfilis decides the best thing to do is to Colony Drop Planet Popstar on Kirby. When a big rig drops nearby, Kirby absorbs it and Elfilin powers Kirby up, turning Kirby into 18 wheels of planet-saving power! Nothing stops them as they plow through enemies, chunks of land, and ultimately Fecto Elfilis themselves!
    • And all of this to an amazing remix of the Invincible Candy theme!
  • One for Elfilin - Even after finishing off Fecto Elfilis and returning to Popstar, the planets are still in danger as the portal Elfilis opened is still active. Without hesitation, Elfilin flies off and throws himself into the rift, using all the power he has to close it. Kirby is saddened by the loss of his new friend, but mere seconds later Elfilin pops out of another portal behind him.
  • Another moment of awesome for the bad guys is the fact that the main villain of the game uses their absorption by Morpho Knight and Morpho Knight's defeat to come back EVEN STRONGER than before, and becomes the final boss of The Ultimate Cup Z, with their figure description literally saying they took in Morpho Knight's power and revived itself to fight Kirby one final time.
  • The previous inhabitants of the New World managed to defeat and capture a being as powerful as Fecto Elfilis when it tried to invade their land. Not only that, they then studied it to make their own dimension-warping technology. This means that they abandoned the New World not by being wiped out by a cosmic horror, but by capturing it and harnessing its powers before leaving on their own accord!
    • It gets even better. This was before Elfilin split off from the main body, meaning they captured a being capable of casually opening up huge portals and pulling entire planets out of orbit at full power and contained it for long enough to eventually turn its prison into a tourist attraction.
  • After breaking King Dedede from Forgo's control, he, Kirby, and the rescued Waddle Dees which Dedede was guarding try to flee to an elevator as the Beast Pack begins to gather the entirety of their forces to overwhelm the group. During an escape, one of the Waddle Dees trips and struggles to catch up. King Dedede is the first to notice this and immediately leaves the elevator to rescue him. When it becomes clear that he won't be able to catch up to the others before the Beast Pack swarms them, he instead throws the Waddle Dee into the elevator and turns back to the advancing enemies, picking up his hammer as he prepares to take on all of them single-handedly.
  • One for Holine; one of the previous main companies running in the new world. They were responsible for all of the structures and machinery, which aside from the Car Shop Sign figure description stating otherwise and some of the Malevolent Architecture from natural degradation, a vast majority of their products still work completely fine, such as the vehicles and the entirety of Wondaria.
    Holine slogan: "Remember, if it's quality, it's Holine!"
  • The description for the Morpho Knight Sword implies that whoever the butterfly lands on becomes Morpho Knight itself, which we've seen happen to Galacta Knight and Soul Forgo. Despite this, it mentions that Kirby wielding the same power "is a breeze", implying that Kirby is powerful enough to use Morpho Knight's sword without becoming the knight himself.
