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KD Since: May, 2009
17th Jun, 2021 06:44:55 AM

For classes in general (including heavy weapon users), Common Character Classes, Fantasy Character Classes, Modern Day/Sci-Fi RPG Class Equivalents

A class whose defining feature is wearing truly heavy armaments, Mighty Glacier. If they wield heavy stuff but still move quite fast, then Lightning Bruiser.

Edited by KD
JustaUsername Since: Jul, 2009
17th Jun, 2021 05:41:15 PM

Yeah, I was looking for an example that has its own page, like Bare-Fisted Monk being a character who is a physically capable combatant despite their lack of weaponry. I feel I should launch Heavy Equipment Class in Trope Launch Pad.

Some people say I'm lazy. It's hard to disagree.