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YMMV Tropes for Yu-Gi-Oh E-QUEST:

  • Ass Pull: There's no given reason or explanation for why the Teen Titans (2003) characters are even in the fic, since the first handful of chapters are all about the Equestria Girls and children's card games. They just show up out of nowhere and hijack the plot.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: A common criticism about this fic is that it's just a retread of so many of Mykan's other fics that involve My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and the Teen Titans just with the game of Yu-Gi-Oh! thrown into the mix.
    • The reveal that the Teen Titans are involved yet again was met with this reaction upon its reveal, as it meant that Beast Boy was once again being used as the resident author stand-in. It didn't exactly help that Mykan's reaction to the event was basically "I couldn't resist."
  • Narm:
    • Masquerade/Beast Boy drops a number of these:
      • When first meeting the Equestria Girls cast, he calls them "jailbait" as an insult. He's probably trying to call them young and inexperienced, but it clearly doesn't mean what Mykan thinks it means. It also doesn't help that he says this to teenage girls.
      • Another instance comes when Masquerade says "baby food." With no explanation as to why. It's likely meant to be a phrase similar to "child's play", but even knowing Mykan's habit of taking lines from shows without context, it's hard to picture anyone using a phrase like "baby food" unironically.
    • The Teen Titans are competing in a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament so they can use the prize money to help repair Jump City. There were apparently no other options available to them.
      • On that note, how Jump City fell into utter chaos: the mayor practically ran the city into the ground by being a Child Hater to an absolutely absurd degree; he decreed that any place where children could have fun be taken down and eventually decided to ban anyone under the age of 14 from the city.
  • The Un-Twist:
    • If you couldn't figure it out, Beast Boy dons a new identity yet again, this time as Masquerade. It's not exactly hard to find out as the Teen Titans (minus Beast Boy) suddenly appear in the story with no foreshadowing, and Masquerade acts pretty much how Beast Boy would normally act in Mykan's works. Mykan has even directly addressed his hatedominvoked in saying "yes, it's exactly who you think it is", and his reasoning for the obviousness of the twist is that "the characters can't know everything we do."
    • Also, Karle 'Wits' Plight being Twilight Sparkle.
