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YMMV / Webster

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  • Bizarro Episode: The series finale is a clip show that's also a crossover with Star Trek: The Next Generation. A lightning strike causes Webster to somehow travel to the Enterprise, where he talks to Worf about the fun things people do in the 20th century.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Emmanuel Lewis had a brief career as a J-Pop star with his song "City Connection" entering #2 on the Oricon charts.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The name "George Papadopoulos" made the news in 2017 as a member of Donald Trump's presidential campaign who was involved in collusion with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Naturally, some made hay of this by sending memes denoting the similarity in the names (the names of the two George's are spelt differently: the Trump adviser's last name is spelled "Papadopoulos," while Alex Karras' character is spelled "Papadopolis").
  • Retroactive Recognition:
    • Chad Allen had a recurring role as Webster's friend, Rob Whitaker.
    • Corin Nemec also had a recurring role as George and Katherine's nephew, Nicky Papadopolis.
    • April Kelly wrote eight episodes. Kelly is best known for co-creating Boy Meets World and Girl Meets World.
    • Dave Hackel wrote six episodes. Hackel is best known as creator and executive producer of Becker.
    • Susan Stevenson wrote an episode. Stevenson is best known as co-creator and co-executive producer of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, in which she was credited on the latter show under her married name, Susan Borowitz.
