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YMMV / The Promise (2016)

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  • Awesome Music: Say what you will about the movie itself, the film's titular theme sung by Chris Cornell (his last released song to boot) is an astonishing song.
  • Anvilicious: Because of the fact that general audiences may be unfamiliar with the material, the film feels the need to explain itself more than a film about, say, the Holocaust would.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Armenians obviously have an interest in the film regardless of its actual quality.
  • Les Yay: Between Ana and a (female) belly dancer at the start of the movie, when the latter invites her to dance together in the club in front of a crowd.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: Turkey did all that it could to bury the film, and more articles were written about their attempts to do so than about the film itself. For instance, thousands of Turkish trolls bombarded the film's IMDB page with one star reviews long before the film premiered in theaters and they could possibly have seen it, and bought advance tickets to theater screenings only to ask for a refund at the last minute, ensuring the seats in theaters showing the film would be reserved and people couldn't get in. In all, the reaction to the movie has drawn comparisons with the Ghostbusters (2016) and Mary Poppins Returns controversies.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The general critical consensus of the film, with the overall line being that it's a film for a specific Armenian audience and some history buffs. As a film itself, it can be ignored. That said it has less than favourable reviews from nationalist Turks, although a lot of them are trolls giving user reviews and not actual critics.
