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YMMV / The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (and How They Got That Way)

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  • Unintentional Period Piece:
    • The fact that those "fifty worst movies of all time" all list movies older than 1978 (the year the book was released) is testament enough to it being quite dated to a modern reader. This extends to the fact that most movies cited in it are so obscure that even modern "bad movie lovers" would not be familiar with most of these films. At the time of writing, they would still be reasonably fresh in some viewer minds, and seen with the same disdain as a more contemporary viewer would talk about a 2010s Hollywood blockbuster or 90s flick. Decades later, much fewer people can relate and understand.
    • Some movies in the list have been Vindicated by History, which include The Omen (1976), now seen as a horror classic.
    • The book also doesn't mention the most famous older "bad movies" of all: Plan 9 from Outer Space and Manos: The Hands of Fate, as they weren't well-known to a mainstream audience. However, the book does state that it refrains from listing small-budget films in order to be fair (even though it does list a few cheap movies like Robot Monster and Eegah! nonetheless).
