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YMMV / Tarzán (1991)

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  • Anvilicious: While nearly all of the episodes had a moral of some sort, "Tarzan and the King of the Apes" is the only one that ended with Tarzan directly addressing the audience to deliver a Public Service Announcement that reiterated the story's Green Aesop.
  • Bizarro Episode: "Tarzan and the Extra-Terrestrials" is a science-fiction story (the show's only one) that ended with the implication that the aliens that Professor Hampton was looking for are real, and that Tarzan's abilities are the result of him being Touched by Vorlons.
  • Special Effects Failure: The fish man from "Tarzan and the Mutant Creature" was not a particularly convincing example of People in Rubber Suits.
  • Stock Footage Failure: Most of the wildlife footage worked well, with the major exception of all of the footage of the gorillas (which was clearly very old and shot on different film from the kind that the show used) in "Tarzan and the King of the Apes."
