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YMMV / StarCraft: Mass Recall

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  • Game-Breaker: In early versions of the mod, Shield Batteries could stack on the unit it was restoring shields to. Thus, making a one unit impenetrable wall that couldn't be killed unless all the Shield Batteries somehow ran out of energy. Later updates changed this to the point where even though it still looks like multiple Shield Batteries can restore one unit's shields at once, only one of the beams is actually performing the restoration.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Nydus Canals work like the Nydus Network in II, that being units can enter a canal and exit from any other canal, not just the one the original canal connected to. Given that Nydus Canals weren't all that useful in the original game anyway, and the Network allows for more flexibility and use out of them, it's an improvement.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: The placement of resources is unchanged, which doesn't translate well to StarCraft II's more effective resource management system. Special mention goes to the Vespene Geysers, which are often placed separate from mineral clusters, and even then, most mineral clusters only have one Vespene Geyser apiece.
  • Questionable Casting: In earlier versions of the mod, Nyon's portrait and model were used as a placeholder for Tassadar while Karass is used for Aldaris; ie, the Messianic Archetype is using the dark and sinister-looking portrait while the Knight Templar is using the bright and heroic-looking portrait.
  • Sequel Difficulty Spike: Since StarCraft II has much improved AI from the first game, as well as improved user interface and controls, the campaign has an overall increased difficulty from the first game to compensate for the greater ease players have with these innate enhancements. The mod also allows players to select difficulty levels for each individual mission.
  • Special Effect Failure: Some of the terrain features were implemented poorly, resulting in environment objects that units can clip into or outright walk right through them. This is most egregious with flying units, who can often fly through skyscrapers.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!:
    • For major original game purists, some of the changes, such as Medics and Lurkers being available in vanilla StarCraft, or hero units having certain abilities like Snipe for Kerrigan and Duran, are disliked by some fans. It became optional in a latter Mass Recall update much to these purists pleasure.
    • Automated Shield Batteries, which some feel makes the Protoss way too easy to play defensively.
