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YMMV / Solo (James Bond)

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  • Complete Monster: Jakobus "Kobus" Breed is a mercenary brought on by corrupt oil tycoon Hubert Linck to help keep the country of Zanzarim pliable and profitable. To ensure he and Linck have control over the rich oilfields in Zanzarim, Breed murders the brother of dictator Solomon Adeka to have the oil rights revert to Solomon, then hooks the dictator on heroin and breaks him through withdrawal torture to keep Solomon as a slave. That tens of thousands suffer and die in the Civil War he subsequently prolongs is of no consequence; Breed even finds a way to profit off the suffering by using crippled and mutilated children as oblivious drug mules as they're flown out of the country. When his own partner Blessing refuses to kill Bond, Breed cuts her throat and leaves her body as a sick taunt for 007.
