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YMMV / Shinyaku Touhou Gensosatsu Re Phantasmagoria Of Imagine Breaker

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  • Game-Breaker: Touma of Team Imagine can shrug off various danmaku in front of him if your timing is right. With the "Supernatural Border" power-up added to the system, Team Imagine is practically this game's version of "Malice Cannon"note .
  • So Okay, It's Average: While the game isn't bad on its own, it is not particularly excellent either, especially compared to other fan-made Bullet Hell games around the time such as Concealed the Conclusion and The Last Comer. The general consensus is that while it has the potential to be a good crossover game, it was unfortunately held back by the unbalanced gameplay system.
  • Unexpected Character: No one, not even the players who are familiar with the Toaru verse, could have expected Motoharu Tsuchimikado to appear as the Stage 6 mid-boss.
