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YMMV / Madame Malfoy Or A Forced Marriage

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  • Magnificent Bastard: Pansy Parkinson is Draco Malfoy's calculating mistress and much more resourceful than in canon. When Madman in the Attic Lucius Malfoy deliriously claims she is his bride and Draco orders her to distract him until Draco fetches the mediwizards, Pansy goes from shock and fear to the development of a plan. She allows herself to be married to Lucius and follows him on his Don Quixote-style quest across Wizarding Britain, playing along with his crazy fantasies and deftly explaining the situation to everyone they meet, sometimes with a mere couple of gestures. Finally, she devises a plan to get Lucius to St. Mungo's and puts it into action with the help of Gringotts goblins. Lucius is subdued but the case is pronounced hopeless. Pansy triumphantly tells Draco that since he never bothered to get his father to a hospital before, her marriage to the latter is valid, but now that Lucius is officially declared insane, Pansy as the wife receives all his possessions. Leaving Draco with only the manor but no money or valuables, Pansy leaves the country for her new villa in the Canaries.
