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YMMV / Legend of Kay

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  • Awesome Moment: Kay deciding that he can no longer abide his master’s indifference and alcoholism at the finale of Chapter 1. He sneaks in, steals the Plot Coupon and sets out to be a Freedom Fighter.
  • Awesome Music: Surprisingly, the music of the game sounds genuinely Chinese, one of the best examples being the ''Boat Race" theme.
  • Narm: The English voice acting in the game is amateurish, and that is likely due to the game being originally dubbed in German. It's touched upon in this review of it.
  • Narm Charm: The story plays out almost like any Young Adult fantasy novel from the 2000s, but done with anthropomorphic characters. Considering the popularity of Young Adult fiction even among older audiences, it doesn't suffer any for it.
  • Polished Port: Legend of Kay Anniversary features HD graphics and surround sound, while also fixing many of the framerate issues from the PS2 original.
  • Porting Disaster: The DS version is noticeably inferior since the battle system was removed in favor of poorly implemented stealth mechanics.
  • What Do You Mean, It's for Kids?: While the game is rated E10, it has a fair amount of profanity in it. How it managed to avoid getting rated T for teens is anyone's guess.
