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Warp That Aesop / God's Not Dead

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  • Christians are good, atheists are bad and they don't really disbelieve in God, they actually just hate him due to past childhood traumas. For this reason, they want to exterminate Christians.
  • Atheists aren’t capable of feeling genuine love or compassion for others. They are all egotistical social Darwinists and Machiavellians who view all relationships as purely transactional, and will only be nice to people if they think they can get something good in return. They have no ability to feel empathy for those suffering or in need. Only a true believing Christian can feel real love, empathy, and compassion for someone other than themselves.
  • Atheists don't actually exist. There are only Judeo-Christian theists who worship God, and theists who believe in the Judeo-Christian God and won't admit it. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Indigenous religious practitioners, Agnostics, Scientologists and heretical denominations are all faking it.
  • Atheists actually do believe in God and just like to blame him for their problems.
  • Christians are an oppressed minority being bullied by mean atheists and it's never the other way around.
  • There's no such thing as a moral non-Christian. The only way to be righteous is to be a Christian.
  • Someone's death is a joyous occasion instead of disturbing.
  • Only Christian teachers care about their students; teachers who aren't, on the other hand, view them as too much work.
  • Atheist parents do not care that their child is dead, doubly so when they find out that he converted to Christianity before he died.
  • Thou shalt cast pearls before swine.

God's Not Dead

  • If your teacher belittles your beliefs, don't report him to higher-ups. Just debate him in front of your class.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche is the first and only important philosopher.
  • Public-university Philosophy 101 classes are just Hollywood Atheist Propaganda Machines that have never heard of theistic philosophy.
    • University students have no critical thinking skills and won't challenge their professor, even when he's behaving in an obviously ridiculous manner and blatantly wasting their time.
  • The only way to truly redeem yourself is to get hit by a car and die.
    • If someone is dying from being hit by a car, don't go get him help; just use this time to proselytize to him instead.
  • If someone reveals an incredibly sad memory of their mother dying, use this to utterly destroy them emotionally because that's the good, Christian thing to do after all.
  • If someone repeatedly strongarms people into renouncing their most deeply held and important beliefs for his entire professional life and never regrets it, it’s all okay if he endorses Jesus.
  • Conservatism is bad. But only when the conservative is a Muslim.
  • When your life goes easy, it is by no means ever a gift from God. This is the devil who tries to stop you from becoming a Christian.

God's Not Dead 2

  • You mention Jesus at all in public school and the government will eat you alive.
  • Cancer magically goes away on its own, so don't bother getting any treatment for it.
  • Left-leaning American Atheists are the real dogmatic extremists holding public office revoking everyone's rights for not thinking like them.

God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness

  • Being a Christian makes you needlessly stubborn on an easily rectifiable issue and it makes you annoying to the people around you.

God's Not Dead: We The People

  • Homeschooling children means that if you teach them about religion ever, you are violating the First Amendment and will have your kids taken away.
  • All countries that restrict homeschooling are cruel dictatorships.
  • If most of a group does bad things but a few do not, then the entire institution is without blame for any of the bad stuff that its own members committed.
