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Warp That Aesop / American Beauty

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  • Ephebophilia is totally acceptable provided the person in question isn't a virgin.
  • Blackmailing one's boss will not have legal repercussions; do it.
  • Masturbating in bed next to one's spouse will not have marital repercussions; do it.
  • For that matter, neither will blowing half the family's yearly income on a car one wants without consulting one's spouse. In fact, this is actually quite a turn on.
  • Drug dealers make great boyfriends.
  • Only men deserve sexual gratification. Women should be made to feel ashamed for seeking it out.
  • All homophobes are really closet homosexuals who need a hug.
  • If a homosexual person comes on to you, don't turn them away, however gently: they will turn homicidal.
  • Buying a car is an expression of independence and individuality. Buying a couch is shallow and materialistic.
  • Leaving your mentally ill mother to fend for herself is A-OK if you're doing it for love.
  • If someone is continually seen to be videotaping you, they're probably an interesting, sensitive soul.
  • Showing a girl a video of a plastic bag blowing in the wind is a fast track to getting laid.
  • Being a devoted and loyal father, husband and breadwinner for decades will only lead to your being made the target of your family's neglect and disdain. So don't bother.
  • However, if you try to stand up for yourself and have a little fun, you'll get shot. So don't bother with that, either.
  • Everyone who smokes marijuana and listens to Pink Floyd is an Erudite Stoner who has life figured out better than you do, even if they're a teenager.
  • Inane self help tapes and meaningless mantras drive you to kill.
  • Quitting your well-paid job and becoming a fast food cashier while supporting a family is okay if you're doing it to stick it to the man.
