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These relate to the final season. Be warned that all spoilers are unmarked on this page.

Shiv will expose the waiter incident

She’s one of two (living) people who knows, Kendall’s trying to ice her out of the business, and she found out that Mattson’s offer is complete BS. Not to mention, she wrote the open letter against Kendall in Season 3. While Roman’s probably too shattered to even remember the incident, Shiv is angry. When Kendall goes a step too far in getting her out of Waystar, she’ll tell.
  • Jossed — while she does remind Kendall of the incident in the finale, this is in private and he claims that he made it up.

Logan was personally involved in the cruise ship abuse

That's why he kept Mo around, as he knew he could spill the beans if he was let go. We know that Logan emotionally (and perhaps physically) abused his own children and usually treated his underlings like shit, so it stands to reason that he could have been one of the abusers.

Shiv's baby isn't Tom's

She's cheated on him before and has been pretty much in favour of them having an open relationship, so it stands to reason that the man who got her pregnant may not be the man she's married to.
  • Jossed as of "America Decides"; when she finally tells Tom that she's pregnant, she also tells him that it's his.

Greg will end up in charge

He's either playing up the Obfuscating Stupidity for all it's worth, or he genuinely does not realise the potential he has; if it's the latter, that will change as he becomes more adept at playing the corporate game — in short, a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass who becomes less of a moron and more of a badass.
  • Logan saw it, which was why he encouraged him to stick around at Waystar when Greg was wavering about quitting after Ewan threatened to disinherit him. Logan also wrote Greg's name (with a question mark next to it, admittedly) on the piece of paper that named Kendall as his successor but muddied the waters by adding a line that either underlined Kendall's name or crossed it out. Given that Greg does not have the massive emotional baggage that his cousins carry as a result of actually being raised by Logan, it could be that, although he probably would never have acknowledged that he was responsible for them being screw-ups, Logan saw Greg as the Only Sane Man of the Roy family's next generation, and therefore the best option for keeping the business in the family. After all, Greg was the only one who had the balls to tell Kerry that her audition sucked (OK, he was forced into it, but he still did it when everyone else was too scared to do so) and he went as far as to to have sex with that random woman in Logan's apartment — acts of defiance that Logan appreciated in his own way.
  • Others have noticed Greg's potential. Tom, who shares his outsider status in the Roy family, is more aware of this than most. Kendall, who once described Greg as "Machiavellian", is aware of it too.
    • Played With — it's Tom who ends up in charge. Greg does get to keep his job at Waystar, though, so he ends up in a better position than the Roy siblings.
