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Wild Mass Guessing for Sonic Destruction

Daedalus wants Jason King dead for defending Eggman.

  • Daedalus was enraged that Eggman (supposedly) destroyed Soleanna. Because Jason "knew" that Eggman was responsible for Soleanna's destruction, but defended him anyway, Daedalus had Sonic turned into a human in order to kill Jason.

Elise became the Princess of Soleanna through marriage to Silver.

  • Silver was the only child of Gerald, King of Soleanna. One way Elise could have become the Princess of Soleanna was marrying Prince Silver. In other words, she kissed another hedgehog.

Shadow (the Shadow who was actually Daedalus) was being controlled by Silver.

Gerald was telling the truth about Soleanna's destruction.

  • In this theory Gerald was telling the truth about the destruction of Soleanna, about it being destroyed by The Military/The Government, and framed on Dr. Eggman for being the one who destroyed Soleanna. If this were true, it could mean that Daedalus was manipulated and mislead by The Government into thinking that Eggman was the one who destroyed his people's home and dehumanized his people, among other things too.

The "other Shadow" was the original Shadow who was thought to be dead.

  • It is theorized that the "other Shadow"/Green-Eyed Shadow is possibly the real Shadow in Sonic Destruction's main timeline that was thought to be dead by Daedalus, if true, there is also a possibility that Silver (while also being a experimented result of Project Shadow Phase 1) is also possibly a Shadow from a another timeline/dimension.

The Green-Eyed Shadow is a survivor of Project Shadow.

  • It is theorized by some that Green-Eyed Shadow is one of the surviving products of Project Shadow (or more specifically it's first phase) it is also theorized that Green-Eyed Shadow, might be the real shadow the hedgehog as mentioned in the previous theory, there is a possibility AI Dungeon 2 might generate more info regarding Green-Eyed Shadow or not.

The Green-Eyed Shadow is a clone made by Daedalus to distract Sonic.

  • Daedalus is already shown to be a powerful magician capable of resurrection, polymorphing, and self transformation, so who's to say he can't create other beings from thin air, or at least illusions?

The series takes place on the moon or a space station orbiting Earth.

  • Elise reveals that Station Square is not on Earth, but the ship containing Sonic's dead body is said to fly "away from Earth." As such, the setting would need to be either a terraformed moon or an advanced space station that could hold (at the least) two cities (Station Square and "The City of Acorn" mentioned in Episode 2), a forest, and a couple high-tech secret facilities.

The series takes place in a broken and altered timeline/universe.

  • With this theory it's theorized by a couple that according to some info heard in the first episode, there's a possibility that Sonic Destruction takes place on a broken and altered timeline/universe, according to some info in episode 1, it was confirmed near the end of the episode by some members of Jason King's Organization (specifically Knuckles and Eggman) that there was once a demon from another dimension that tried to destroy the timeline that all the main cast are from, and also according to Knuckles, it was confirmed that a mysterious unknown character tried to unravel their home timeline and also that a unknown hero of this timeline had been disappeared from their timeline entirely, it is unknown that AI Dungeon 2 will generate more about Sonic Destruction's multiverse and other timelines/dimensions/universes in the future but there is a possibility, in Episode 2 it was mentioned that Silver was one of Project Shadow Phase 1's experimented subjects, said experiments kind of resulted in him becoming a "incarnation of Satan himself", could this "Satan" entity be a Satan from another timeline or a Satan from the main Sonic Destruction Timeline/Universe/Dimension?

Daedalus stole some of Dr. Gerald Robotnik's research in Episode 1.

  • It is most likely true that Daedalus was disguised as Shadow throughout both Episode 1 and Episode 2, and it is most likely that in the moment of Eggman accusing "Shadow"(Daedalus) of stealing some of Gerald Robotnik's Project Shadow Phase 2 (second instance of Project Shadow) research that Eggman and Gerald were both working on, Daedalus's reason is most likely because he doesn't want competition in resurrecting Project Shadow, and also wanted to steal some of Gerald's research to help him and his initiative (the Daedalus Initiative) get a step ahead in their own Project Shadow Phase 2/Project Daedalus research, and possibly have The Government pay more attention to their Project Shadow Phase 2 research than Gerald Robotnik, the Anti-Rebel Government Task Force, and Skygard's own Project Shadow Phase 2 research.

The Chaotix as a surveillance state organization, are possibly government fugitives.

  • According to some stuff mentioned in episode 2 and how Charmy and Vector were put under arrest by Daedalus and a bunch of soldiers who were apart of his initiative along with Rouge and Sonic, and how Vector mentions about The Government being onto them earlier in episode 2, it's most definitely assumed, that for a while The Government and The Military had suspicions on the Chaotix Detective Agency for a while and might've considered them possible suspected fugitives for a while till the Chaotix decided to get "Shadow" on their side to check on Gerald Robotnik and his work on his own Project Shadow Phase 2 research, it's at this point it is most likely Daedalus who was disguised as Shadow who was using the Chaotix Detective Agency for only a little bit of his own benefit in-order for him to be able to check on Gerald and be able to sabotage Gerald Robotnik's work on his own version of Project Shadow Phase 2, even wanting to have the opportunity to kill Gerald Robotnik and his assistant Dr. Wyatt, in-order to end Gerald's research of his own version of Project Shadow Phase 2, for the sake of wanting to get rid of competition in resurrecting the original Project Shadow, and at the end where it was revealed "Shadow" this whole time in this episode was Daedalus and was the one who got rid of Sonic's more recent memories after having him turned into a human, it could be assumed that after he revealed himself to be Daedalus and had Charmy, Vector, Rouge and Sonic apprehended, it can be assumed that he was done using the Chaotix for allowing him to peak on what Gerald might be doing and the such, and how he was using them in the first place to be able to track down where Gerald might be, because the Chaotix has drones, satellites and invisible satellites, in one part where he was chatting with Rouge, Vector and Charmy while disguised as "Shadow" talking about his Book of Prophecies and how to find and take down Daedalus himself, Daedalus even mentions a plan of his own to them of wanting to have himself and all of them to "wait in the woods for Daedalus to come out so they can take them out" most likely a manipulative lie of wanting to plan out on possibly killing off Vector, Charmy, and Rouge in secret, but when Sonic came in, he had to change plans and have his initiative apprehend the four instead, he also mentions one of the things he wrote about in his own Book of Prophecies to them too, being a cult of Dark Gaia he wrote about in the Book of Prophecies called "The Harbingers" it's unknown why he mentioned The Harbingers to them in his Shadow disguise, but it might be implied that The Harbingers might play more importance in future episodes.

The hundreds of robots littering Station Square were part of Eggman's army from Episode 1.

  • Eggman had quickly built an army of 1,008 robots, barely testing any of them.

"The City of Acorn" is actually the Kingdom of Acorn.

  • this can be true in a certain extent as AI Dungeon 2 has been shown to take lots of sonic related lore info from any and all official sonic related media (non-canon or canon) and even taking lore info from Fan Works as well, it could be possible too that "The City of Acorn" could be a branch of The Kingdom of Acorn that AI Dungeon 2 generated or it's own version of The Kingdom of Acorn, answers regarding The City of Acorn are unclear as of now, but more answers might be given to the audience regarding this city in Episode 3, this could also be a hint that Sally Acorn of Satam and Archie Sonic canon could even be generated into being debuted in the story by the AI by any time.

Espio is controlling the Chaotix's surveillance system.

  • Espio hasn't appeared at all in the story so far, and such an extensive surveillance system isn't going to run itself.

Daedalus is possibly a member/former member of The Harbingers, and is withholding information about it

  • A new recent theory thought up that is based over on the fact Daedalus (in Shadow disguise) ONLY mentions The Harbingers once to Rouge, Vector, and Charmy, and refuses to elaborate more on them, It is theorized by a few that Daedalus is most likely a member/former member of The Harbingers and is probably the most likely reason he has his dark magic abilities in the first place, and maybe, his plans of "saving the world and getting revenge over what Dr. Eggman did to his home" may go much more deeper, ambitious, and more foreboding then what the audience was originally told of what the AI wrote him out as so far.. And who knows who the other members of The Harbingers might be..

The Soleanna that Silver mentioned in his backstory wasn't actually a village, but a research-facility.

  • According to this theory, all of the fantasy-elements that Silver mentions in his backstory are actually him misinterepreting/misremembering things from the Daedalus Initiative. Soleanna was actually the name of the research-facility where Silver was born and raised. He mentions that his father was "King Gerald", which fits into this theory, as Gerald was most likely the overseer of the project, with Silver being one of his favoured experiments. This means that Epirus was most likely also a different facility. This convention of naming the facilities after fantasy kingdoms could be further supported by the existence of Skygard, the place where Gerald currently works.

Mayor Jason King is not the AI’s OC. Rather, he is the AI’s interpretation of the Unnamed President of the Land of the Sky from the Sonic OVA.

  • Jason King’s limited physical description is a decent match for the President, and he also plays the role of an incompetent elected official. Sure he’s a Mayor rather than a President, and he’s portrayed as being much more mean spirited, but those are far from the biggest leaps in characterization the AI makes.

Captain William Buckaneer is meant as a fictional version of Captain Kidd.

  • If for no other reason than being a captain and buccaneer whose first name is William, which is all we know about the former.

The out of nowhere aftershocks that are mentioned in Episode 2 are a side effect of the hole that was blown in the planet at the start of Episode 1.

  • It would make sense that the planet's crust is destabilizing because of what happened during Sonic's fight with Eggman.

The Chaotix is now a PMC, with Shadow as a member.

  • In Episode 2, Vector sends Shadow to find out what a scientist at Skygard is up to, and pays him "the standard fee" for his work.

The two unidentified masked figures that confront Jason King with Knuckles, Tails and Eggman are Captain William Buckaneer and Professor Uma "Moebius" Fargod.
