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WMG / Miyuki-chan in Wonderland

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Miyuki's dreams are part of an experiment done by the Arume from Blue Drop.
There must be some reason Miyuki keeps having all these lesbian themed dreams. It would seem that they're there to brainwash Miyuki into becoming a lesbian. So who has enough Applied Phlebotinum to affect a person's dream and the motive for turning someone into a lesbian? The Arume from Blue Drop of course. If the experiment succeeds, the Arume could theoretically brainwash the entire female population of the world and make it much more susceptible to the wills of the Arume. Miyuki is just the first test case.

Miyuki is the Third Alice.
Alice Human Sacrifice mentions four "Alices" who shape Wonderland to keep it in existence. Miyuki is the Third Alice, prior to coming to terms with her sexuality. Having newly stumbled into Wonderland, Miyuki retains her 'real world' sensibilities and perceives the lesbian inhabitants as frightening; they represent her own unawakened sexuality, and are women rather then men because men would automatically elicit a 'submissive' response while her subconscious desires to dominate. Eventually she will come to terms with that and depose the Red Queen (the first Alice) and the Cheshire Cat (the second Alice) to dominate Wonderland and its inhabitants. Of course, she will take it Too Far, and her outer body will mirror her internal corruption.

Miyuki is the slider from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
She lives in one of Haruhi's previous worlds and is sliding through bizarre worlds that Haruhi has made after watching way too much Yuri stuff (maybe some Hentai too). She will finally know her origin, true self, and goals when she falls into Haruhi's current world.'

Miyuki-Chan takes place in a very... "Adult" game of JAGS Wonderland
  • So... Less mind-screwing Things Which Should Not Be and metaphysical mythology, more hot-lesbians-molesting-schoolgirls action?
