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WMG / Homestuck: Beyond Canon

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This will never make it to the end.
Homestuck 2 has been a big floundering mess of mismanagement along with the rest of the franchise and interest in Homestuck is at an all-time low. It won't be finished.

If Candy!John appears again, he will have his Retcon powers.
He originally loss them when his timeline was deemed inconsequential next to the Meat timeline. But, since he is now the one and only John in the multiverse, with Meat!John being more dead than anyone in Homestuck has ever been, Candy!John is now important to the plot again.

In addition to iterations of the characters from the Meat and Candy epilogue timelines, there will be other timelines involved.
One might be a timeline that picks up immediately after the original Homestuck, or at least with not much of significance besides worldbuilding happening after it. This would represent the experience of people who didn't read the Epilogues. The characters might even learn about the Epilogue events through something similar to the recap page.
  • This timeline could be called the "Or" timeline. "Meat or Candy" — arrange it, and you get "Meat, Candy, or..." as in "Or... we could do something else".
  • In contrast to the Archive of Our Own content warning page in the Epilogues, the third timeline could show how "not-quite" canon it is to the end of the original by styling itself like an MS Paint Fan Adventure.

The Candy timeline followed in this comic is an Alternate Timeline that the MSPA Reader took Dave from.
There are a few inconsistencies of the Candy timeline seen here compared to the Homestuck Epilogues, such as Vriska having an eyepatch even though there was no mention of her getting one previously, and the fact that Jane didn't notice Jake had run away from her despite them having previously planned to get a divorce. In Pesterquest's final volume, the MSPA Reader, having regained all their memories, travels to an unknown point in the Candy timeline before Dave became Davebot, and takes him to see pre-Sburb Dirk. Since the Reader didn't get a chance to return him, that means they must have created a new timeline, which could possibly be the one we're seeing in Homestuck^2.

There is a third timeline.
The three pillars of canon are truth, essentiality and relativity. Both the candy and meat timelines seem to lack one of these attributes - meat essentiality which is why the plot has ground to a halt and candy truth, which is why it is so nonsensical. This means there could possibly be a third timeline, one lacking relevance but retaining truth and essentiality, which is why the audience hasn't seen it.

Possible contenders for this third timeline - either the candy timeline in which Dave is stranded in, the locked timeline or the timeline featured in the snapchat upd8s.

Both timelines will merge at one point.
Both timelines represent an aspect of storytelling according to Hussie. On their own, they feel incomplete, because a good story needs both. So at some point, both timelines will merge, probably permanently.

Calliope's plans to bring the Candy timeline back into relevancy seem to hint at this. Plus, Dirk being taken down by characters from the timeline he deemed irrelevant would make a lot of sense.

Yiffany will be the Big Bad
They'll Rage Against the Author for being created solely as the butt of a furry joke

Dirk's plans to make a species fit for playing Sburb are destined to fail.
We already know that Universe C's sole Sburb player is Caliborn.

Alternative Title(s): Homestuck 2
