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Tropers / Pixilate Spades

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Triplets born, the trope awaits

A seer warns of a Deadly Game

Give up your index, separate

Grow your ham, biting desk!

Tropers Underground! (Trope!)

Tropers Underground! (Trope!)

They made a law, them tropers will be found!

The children grow, learn what's might!

Livers of the freedom rights!

They search them tropers, they know it's due!

Just for Fun? If they only knew!

Will the Troperrific come true!??

Tropers Underground! (Trope!)

Tropers Underground!

(Trope-tan): I long for my children, but I have to wait;

To act too soon could seal their fate...

They made a law, them tropers will be found!

Tropers Underground!

I'll add something else later, I'm busy browsing.
