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Tropers / Ninja Caracal

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Hello, Ninja Caracal here, and this is my Troper page. I have a Deviant Art account,, and I have rather frequent writer's block that tends to hinder the actual comics on said account. Two of my sisters are also on here - Elisabel and SapphireRoses, namely.

Not sure what else to say.



American Accents: A generic Midwestern accent. I'm from Illinois, so. . .

Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: In regards to the ring-binder comics I have in my house.

Character Tics: Pushing my glasses up on my nose, the Picard Maneuver, fingering my hobo-leprechaun beard, trying to smooth my hair. I don't know if it counts as a Character Tic, but I also have a tendency to look in the fridge when I'm bored.

Hair-Trigger Temper: Downplayed, as while I can get annoyed easily, I'm usually quick to calm down. Usually.

Must Have Caffeine: I'm a subversion, as while I drink a lot of coffee, it's mostly decaf.

Sequential Artist: I like to think I am, but I have problems with writer's block on what comics I manage to start.

Verbal Tic: I have a tendency to use the West Country 'ar' or more often 'aye' in place of 'yes', to say 'you're welcome' in Spanish if I'm saying it out loud, and saying 'eh? in place of 'what?' - the last one once made someone curious as to whether I was Canadian.
