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Tropers / Donteatacowman

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Donteatacowman is a person of drifting fandom, but is currently interested in Danny Phantom, The Phantom Of The Opera, and Yu Gi Oh, as well as several other fandoms.

She was lead to this site by one known on the Kim Possible chat boards, Ronstoppable dot net, as "Troper", or "RedBlueGreen". (He ironically was lead to the Kim Possible fandom because of its many links here at TV Tropes.) Troper linked to this site constantly, and Donne (as she is known to her friends), as an amateur author, had to check it out. She found that, despite some crude language, this was a high-quality site that has since benefited her in her writing, watching, and reading.

Donne is a Brainy Brunette, a Christian, a vegetarian, and a budding villain. She has accounts at fictionpress, DeviantART, Livejournal, and fanfiction dot net. She enjoys reading, writing, laughing evilly, hiding from natural sunlight, correcting spelling/grammar mistakes, plotting, chatting to peers online, keeping personal information secure, wearing her swooshy black cape, washing her hands, and other such beneficial activities. She is only now getting the hang of editing these pages, so please forgive her if she clogs up the editing pages with minor corrections of her own mistakes.
