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Trivia / The Red Balloon

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  • Creator-Driven Successor: To Lamorisse's own White Mane. Both feature young boys who feel isolated from the world around them, and form a deep friendship with a non-human character. Both protagonists are persecuted by those around them as a result, and both end up being borne away to a place where they can't be followed (the sky or the sea.)
  • Referenced by...: The Critic sees Jay Sherman taking his son Martin and his date Carmen to a theater showing The Red Balloon Part 2: Revenge of the Balloon. The boy is suddenly accosted by Die Hard-type terrorists who demand the balloon from him; he lets go, letting it float away harmlessly.
    Terrorist: I could not have foreseen this.
    • Near the end of La La Land, a boy with a red balloon is seen.
