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Trivia / The Champ

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  • Hostility on the Set: You would never guess just by watching the film, but little Jackie Cooper reportedly hated Wallace Beery and thought he was mean.
  • Referenced by...: In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Okuyasu mentions that he watches The Champ to learn new moves.
  • Those Two Actors: After the success of The Champ, Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper continued to be cast together in a number of films. Some of these include The Bowery, Treasure Island, and O Shaughnessys Boy.
  • Throw It In!: Director King Vidor observed Jackie Cooper singing to himself while climbing around on the roof of the dressing rooms. This inspired the scene of Dink on the roof of the hotel, singing and stuffing cigarettes into his pockets. The dialogue in the scene was improvised by Cooper.
