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Trivia / Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko

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  • Actor-Shared Background: Satsuki Yukino is from the Kansai region of Japan, much like Momiji, though they hail from different parts of the region note .
  • No Export for You: We only got the OVA's in the US, Canada and Oceania courtesy of RightStuf; only the TV series aired in Southeast Asia, but they didn't get the OVA's, so this is a rare case of this happening on both sides of the globe. Obviously, the original light novels have never been released outside of Japan.
  • The Other Darrin: Satsuki Yukino took over as Momiji in the TV series as Shiho Niiyama was sadly near death, to make this even sadder Shiho Niiyama passed away exactly 5 months after the TV series ended.
