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Trivia / Pirates of the Caribbean Online

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  • Author's Saving Throw:
    • The Voodoo Doll was generally seen as an average at best, clunky at worst, weapon that was inferior at higher levels of the game, especially against bosses. Its healing skills were only useful in small crews, and even then, most situations would call for another damage-dealer to be more effective, especially with veteran players being able to sidestep damage against non-ranged bosses. Then, the 1.3.0 update for The Legend of Pirates Online came out and totally reworked the Voodoo Doll, changing its use from a watered-down Combat Medic into the Damager, Healer, Tank niche. Now, the Bane Doll (DPS) can deal high amounts of damage and debuffs on-par with many Famed Swords, the Mojo Doll (Tank) allows allies in small crews to whale on their target with little fear of being damaged, and the Spirit Doll (Healer) allows for much greater healing than the original doll, speccing completely into health and voodoo restoration, and even giving its user the ability to fully revive a downed ally without using a potion. And for players who don't want to completely spec into a niche, players who run solo, or are more used to the original set of skills, they still exist under the basic Voodoo Doll category of weapons. The update also included a couple of quality-of-life changes with the doll, including persistent attunement - allowing you to swap to another weapon in certain situations and not have to re-attune your allies - and recategorizing certain dolls to better fit the new doll types. As a result, the doll changed from a rarely-used post-combat healing device to a powerful boon for small groups.
    • In the original game, Potions - apart from the purchasable healing potions - were generally seen as a waste of time to work toward due to the work it took to make the potion compared to the lackluster boost they gave. In addition, there were several mostly-useless potions, especially the Clap o' Thunder, which removed the Groggy status effect... but was only attainable at Potion Level 16, which required large amounts of grinding to reach, and by the time a player reached Level 16 in potions, they would be in a position where they would rarely end up being Groggy due to their high player level. In The Legend of Pirates Online update 1.1.4, many potions were totally reworked. Some had their strength increased, all buff potions had their durations increased (max-level buff potions were increased from a 5-minute duration to 30 minutes), the Clap o' Thunder had its level requirement reduced from 16 to a much more reasonable 6, and all potions brewed had their experience yield increased to make it much less grindy overall. Overall, this greatly enhanced the viability of brewed Potions, making them useful for long gameplay sessions.
    • The Lookout system in the original game, while useful for PVP matchmaking and the only way to replay the Final Boss, was rarely used for its intended purpose of crew matchmaking. It was also fairly barebone, since you could only match with players you were nearby. Version 1.1.0 of The Legend of Pirates Online completely overhauled it, replacing it with Lobbies. Compared to Lookout, Lobbies are global, meaning that you can match up with a crew on a completely different server and join them regardless of location. The appearance of the menu was streamlined and cleaned up, a special Lobby Chat was created, and, most importantly, it added the ability for players to make crews specifically for looting and other activities, including the looting of specific bosses that only drop certain items. With all of this in addition to fixing several glitches and issues, as well as further streamlining PVP, Lobbies became a much-welcome replacement.
