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Trivia / Captain Kangaroo

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  • He Also Did: Paul J. Pistore, who played Mister Moose in the 1997 revival, also worked on the English dub of Karin alongside George N. Cahill III (who played Mr. Greenjeans in that version).
    • Bob Keeshan hosted CBS Storybreak in the mid-Eighties.
  • The Danza: Deborah Weems as Debbie.
  • The Other Darrin: John McDonough in the 1997 revival.
  • Screwed by the Network: After years of loyal service to CBS, the network rewarded Captain K in 1981 by pushing the show into an earlier time slot and cutting its running time and budget, all in order to use his traditional time slot to air a CBS Morning News Show to compete with NBC's The Today Show and ABC's Good Morning, America. Then in 1982, CBS moved the series to Saturday mornings and gave back the half hour that it lost, but scheduled it at 7 am on the East Coast and 6 am elsewhere, which was too early for the target audience. When the show was cut back to a half-hour for the 1984-85 season, an irritated Bob Keeshan left the network as soon as his contract expired at the end of 1984, although he would return the following season to host another Saturday morning show, CBS Storybreak. (A bit of poetic justice: CBS News' morning show traditionally runs third to ABC and NBC's.)
  • What Could Have Been: In 1974, a contract dispute with CBS nearly got the Captain's show canceled. CBS had Hanna-Barbera prepare a pre-schoolers animated show to replace it. The dispute was settled, the Captain stayed, and word is that Joe Barbera threw a celebratory banquet even though his show wouldn't be made because "I didn't want to be the man who got Captain Kangaroo canceled!"
