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Tear Jerker / That's So Raven

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  • In "There Goes the Bride", Raven believing she's going to marry Devon Carter, only for it to turn out that he and his family are moving away after his dad and stepmom's wedding.
  • The racism episode "True Colors" can definitely be this, since it doesn't hide the ugly truth about real-life discrimination.
    • When Raven and the others discuss the woman being racist, Eddie recounts a story about how he was close friends with a white boy whose father forbade him from talking to Eddie due to him being black. When Raven asks what he did, Eddie quietly says, "What was I supposed to do? I was just a kid."
    • The worst part is that Eddie never blamed his friend and still cared for him in the end, and it seems likely that this feeling was mutual as the friend in question was, from the sounds of it, bullied and abused by his bigot father and, like Eddie, felt unable to do anything about it because of his young age.
  • "Psychic Eye for the Sloppy Guy" focused on Raven having a vision that a nerdy artist she liked did a flip-book sketch of her, implying he liked her. Raven herself becomes uncomfortable with this, but decides to help him out in becoming better looking if that was the case. The result is the guy becoming the most eye-appealing student who eventually starts dating afterwards. Raven herself becomes heartbroken upon learning how much of a sweetheart he is...only for the episode's end to reveal Raven's vision was him still liking her and thinking she didn't like him back. Both end the episode with saying the phrase "I guess it just wasn't meant to be."
