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Tear Jerker / Wakko's Wish

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"I guess those acting lessons paid off after all..."

  • Seeing the usually zany Warner Brothers having to be mature and responsible for their sick sister is sobering enough, even if it is played for laughs at times. But the ultimate Tear Jerker of the movie is most definitely the final run for the star where Dot is hit by a cannonball, and the heartrending "NO!!" from her brothers as they see her crumpled, unconscious form half-buried in the snow. The entire town listens in complete silence as she has Yakko tell her the story "one last time." Yes, she gets better, but the image of Yakko cradling his dying sister and trying to keep his composure while telling the story, then breaking down in tears as she finally "dies" is burned into many a kid's brain. Rob Paulsen and Tress MacNeille's performances are absolutely heartrending.
    Captain: She was the cute one, man! The impossibly cute one, and now she's gone! You killed her, man! Wrong, wrong!
    • On top of all of this, earlier in the movie, it's all but stated that Yakko, being the oldest of the three, has been forced to take on responsibility for Wakko and Dot, and has likely been taking care of them since they were kids. In a more serious movie, there would also be the element of Yakko's own guilt because unknown illness or not, he was responsible for his younger siblings, and he failed to keep one of them alive. So his grief isn't just that of a brother—it's of a parent.
  • The story.
    Dot: I like that story.
    Yakko: Goodnight, sis.
  • The nighttime scene in the Warners' broken shanty.
    Wakko: If I'd only earned more...
  • The notion that the King and Queen are the Warners' parents.
  • Watching everyone's reaction when Salazar first ordered the execution of the Warners'. Heck the kids handled it better than everybody else.
    • That and while not as bad, poor Plotz, Ralph and the Goodfeathers being arrested also counts.
  • Wakko's song about finding the wishing star has a very sad, desperate feeling to it that's very sobering when compared to the normally zany antics of the movie.
    Wakko: Out in space, so bright and clear / Can you see me way down here?
