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Tear Jerker / Velma

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No cartoon is without the sad moments, especially this one.

  • Velma feeling guilty over her mother's disappearance in the first episode, blaming herself (because she found her intended birthday present early and her mom felt so bad she took a trip to the store to get her another one) and her dad later pointing out that she never disappeared, she just left them. Even for as much flak as Velma gets from some detractors, it's hard not to at least feel a bit sorry for her as a result.
  • Norville's reaction to Velma laughing off his confessions of his true feelings for her (as she thinks of him as like a brother and never thought of him in that way). Poor guy.
  • Fred’s desperate need for his parents’ love and approval becomes this when the truth about his mother is revealed. She’s the one who’s been removing the brains from the heads of popular girls because she couldn’t stand the idea of Fred being her successor the way that he is. With her death and his father either arrested or still a disapproving jerk, Fred is the only one who is alone in the finale with the realization that he’s never had parents who loved him. God!
  • In "Velma Kai", Velma reveals that the reason she's so opposed to talking about her feelings with anyone is because she always used to talk to her mom about that sort of thing and that talking to anyone else feels like a betrayal to her as that would mean admitting to herself that her mom is truly gone.
  • Norville renouncing his friendship with Velma (after wrongly accusing his father of being the killer) in "Family (Wo)man" and the montage of Velma finally listening to all of his voicemails to "I Will Remember You" in the finale, realizing what Norville feels about her and how much she's been taking him for granted.
