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Tear Jerker / Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

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Moment pages are Spoilers Off by default, so all spoilers were removed. Proceed with caution. You Have Been Warned

  • Back in Assault on Dragon Keep, Tina spent almost the whole campaign waiting for Roland to arrive, in denial over his death. A new wrinkle to this is added here when Roland is revealed to have been the one who introduced Tina to B&B in the first place. He even promised to play with Tina again when he wasn't busy with the Crimson Raiders... a promise he never kept due to being murdered. Thanks a lot, Handsome Jack.
  • Old Murph's Heroic Sacrifice in the Murph side quest, giving into the infection in order to prevent Murphetta from succumbing to such a fate.
  • "In the Belly is a Beast". Let's just say it takes Pinocchio to some truly tragic places...
