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Nightmare Fuel / Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

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Moment pages are Spoilers Off by default, so all spoilers were removed. Proceed with caution. You Have Been Warned

  • The main conflict of the game: the Dragon Lord, a recurring Big Bad in all of Tina’s campaigns has become sentient and is taking control of his story. Just imagine it: The villain of a work of fiction you created gained sentience and is rebelling against you, Comix Zone-style.
  • The Dragon Lord's existence, from his perspective. At one point, he describes having the run of the Wonderlands for a time before Tina started controlling him and talking through him for a campaign. And he was aware of it.
  • The skeletons and zombies of the Dragon Lord's army are apparently comprised of the dead of the Wonderlands with no memories from when they were alive. There's no specific group of dead, just any dead. Anyone can be attacked by their deceased loved ones at any moment. And from the dialog from when you fight these enemies, ANYONE can be added to the army... victims of raids... heroes... Fatemakers...
  • The Tooth Fairy: a creepy goblin with a disturbing interest in having the player collect teeth. It’s mainly Played for Laughs, until you learn that the teeth are used to create mimics that EAT unsuspecting adventurers.
  • The side quest concerning the Murphs happens to be a direct homage to the Smurfs storyline “The Black Smurfs”, only much Darker and Edgier. The infected act much more like the zombies from 28 Days Later, being crazed assailants that attack on sight. And if College Murph is correct, there is no cure and the only way to help the infected is to Mercy Kill them.
