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Tear Jerker / The Revenant

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  • Hawk's death. Good Lord, Hawk's death.
  • Glass' mauling by the bear is a multi-layered one. Beyond just the horror and tragedy of seeing such a brave and well-meaning man so horribly injured, there's also the fact the bear is only defending her cubs, and her death likely means her cubs won't survive.
  • Glass meets a Pawnee hunter named Hicuk, who becomes a companion on his journey. He feeds Glass when he's hungry and takes care of him when he's asleep. Then Glass wakes up one morning to find that French trappers have murdered his new friend and hung him from a tree, simply for being a "savage".
  • Fitzgerald killing Henry. As if killing Hawk and leaving Glass to die wasn't enough.
  • The ending. Those hollow eyes...
