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Tear Jerker / Revolutionary Road

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Few stories have depicted an Awful Wedded Life so well and so heartbreakingly...

  • Following their second meeting with the Givings family, April and Frank get into an intense fight; April just moments prior declaring that she doesn't love him.
    April: I loathe the sight of you. You're just a boy who made me laugh at a party once, and if you come any closer, if you touch me or anything, I think I'll scream.
    Frank takes her by the arms.
    Frank: (gently) Baby, listen-
    April screams and walks away. Frank's whole demeanour changes as he follows her to the living room.
    She pulls a chair in his path. He slings it against the wall.
    April: What are you going to do now? Are you going to hit me? To show how much you love me?
    Frank: Don't worry, I can't be bothered! You're not worth the trouble it would take to hit you! You're not worth the powder it would take to blow you up! You are an EMPTY, EMPTY, HOLLOW SHELL OF A WOMAN! I mean, what are you doing in my house if you hate me so much?! Why the hell are you married to me?! What the hell are you doing carrying my child?! Why didn't you get rid of it when you had the chance?! Because listen to me, I got news for you. I wish to God that you had!
  • April's death. Whatever problems they had, no matter how much their marriage had deteriorated, at some point, Frank loved her very much, and that much is evident in his reaction, and the way he's been reduced to a shell of himself at the end of the film.
