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Tear Jerker / SCOOB!

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  • In the film's opening, kid Shaggy's situation prior to meeting Scooby. He's instantly shown to be a loner to the point of discussing his situation to two mounds of sand. It's all enough to make Scooby sympathize.
    Shaggy: I like eating lunch by myself. And hanging out with myself... and playing ping-pong with myself... I lose a lot of balls.
  • Shaggy deciding to be the one who stays in the underworld instead of Scooby to lock the entrance. Even if it's clear that it's not going to stick, hearing Scooby whimper and even howl in sadness after it's done will crush you.
    Shaggy: Scoob, you're the best friend I could ever ask for...(sighs)...and you always will be.
  • Dynomutt and Blue Falcon's relationship is not too good. This is the son of the original Blue Falcon, who's feeling the pressure of doing a hero's job; meanwhile Dynomutt is suffering from missing his old master and is not too pleased with the rookie he's teamed up with.
  • Dastardly himself manages to get a few unexpected points of sympathy when he reveals why he wants to break open the underworld; not for the riches within (not entirely anyway), but for Muttley, who ended up stranded there during a scheme gone wrong.
    • In the underworld, there’s a few seconds where it looks like Muttley didn’t survive while he was trapped there and Dastardly believes that he arrived too late to rescue Muttley. Sure, Muttley turns out to have just been sleeping, but it hits really hard for any pet owner who’s lost a beloved pet.
      • Even more poignant is that Muttley's snickering you hear is done via archival recordings of Don Messick, who died in 1997.
