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Tear Jerker / Monkey Wrench

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Being the last of your race can be rough.

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    The Ghost Egg 

    Lythop Liberation 
  • As Dr. Agness reveals her true colors, she grinds up the entire Lythop race in front of Shrike, Beebs, and the Lythop ruler who was on Shrike's shoulder. The look on his expression says it all. The poor fella did everything he could to keep his brethren safe only to be forced to watch them be brutally killed in front of him.
  • After the trio defeat Dr. Agness, the poor Lythop is reduced to a crying mess once the fact that he is Last of His Kind has dawned on him and it is shown that he is now going through one hell of a Heroic BSoD.

    Us & Them 
  • Beebs confesses to Shrike that he can't stop thinking about the Lythop genocide in their last adventure, which they both played an accidental part in causing. It's shaken him so much that he's begun to question if he and Shrike are cut out to be mercenaries, and these questions continue to haunt him throughout the episode. Shrike urges him to let go of his regrets, but his body language as he says this implies he's struggling to follow his own advice.
  • Us desperately trying to save their friend Them to no avail to the point that they were willing to die with them. While Us is saved, they make it clear that it will be hard to go on without Them.

    Scratch's Emporium videos 
  • In Scatch's promo for various Monkey Wrench merchandise including a Puntiagudo keychain plushie, he actually presents the young Lythop who is shown to have not recovered from what happened and is in fact in an even worse condition.
    Puntiagudo: What's the point of simple treasures when it will all be gone in one day. DEATH is the only constant. It always comes in the end. Even for you.
