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Tear Jerker / Mona Lisa's Silly Talk

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  • Kurumi had grown up with a distant relationship from her mother, Hisame, largely having been raised by her aunt and grandparents. Hisame wanted to give her daughter a good life, but she was a famous school teacher who prioritized helping everyone else over her daughter, personally answering letters sent from students all over Japan. When Kurumi had written a novel as a child, getting high acclaim from her teacher and others who had read it, Hisame tossed it aside, not making any time to read it. Years later, Kurumi had gotten famous, getting an award for something she'd written, and Hisame is in the audience, proud of her daughter... until Kurumi badmouths her, complaining about how her mother had neglected her for everyone else all her life, and ruining Hisame's reputation in the process. It took that moment for Hisame to finally realize what she'd been doing to her daughter, and wanted to mend their relationship, but it was too little, too late: Kurumi wanted nothing to do with her. Though through writing letters, and the aunt helping as a middleman, the two have started rebuilding their relationship slightly, with a hopeful ending that they may become closer with time.
