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Tear Jerker / Hotel Dusk: Room 215

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Dunning being unable to even look up as he quotes the last thing Bradley said to him. "You won't see Robert Evans again." The music helps as well.
    • His big line. Five words: "I just want my Jenny..."
      • And if you got the best ending: ..."Jenny?"
    • Even as Kyle finally receives closure on what truly happened to Bradley by game's end, there's no denying how he feels about his old friend becoming a man hunted by two opposing forces, asking Kyle to forget about him as he fears for his own life.
    • And speaking of music, a few songs from the soundtrack do well enough to yank the heartstrings.
      • The music that plays when you successfully clear most interrogations and the person you interrogated begins spilling out dark secrets.
      • The somber song that plays when you hit a Game Over, titled "Dream's End".
      • The farewell music that plays the morning after, in which Kyle finally reaches closure on what happened to Bradley and checks out of the hotel, but not without receiving a heartwarming goodbye from some of the people in the hotel.
  • When Melissa first explains what happened to her Mum.
  • When Louie talked about what happened to him and Danny.
  • The prologue. "Bradley... why?" Kyle looks furious and heartbroken, and it seems he's still seeing it in his nightmares three years later.
