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Sandbox / Froevixus

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Froevixus is a Forum Roleplay hosted on Discord.

The roleplay (which is loosely based off Genshin Impact) is set in the titular world of Froevixus, a magical world divided in tribes that use Elemental Magic.

A doc with general info about the world can be found here, while a transcript of the roleplay can be found here.

The roleplayers are Capitano Nox (creator of the roleplay), Jack, Rainbow, Rappy, Tsno, Ahri, Hoff and Smt64.note 

Froevixus displays examples of:

  • Advanced Ancient Humans: The Ancient Tribe possessed a technology far superior to that of any other tribe.
  • Bizarro Elements: While there are more than four elements, they're ultimately all elements that you wouldn't find too weird... and then there's the Clown Element.
  • Clown Species: Clowns in Froevixus aren't mere humans with disguises on but an entirely separate species. And for everyone's joy, they're essentially Always Chaotic Evil Monster Clowns.
  • Elemental Nation: The inhabitants of Froevixus are mostly divided into tribes, with each revolving around a specific element.
  • Elemental Powers: The inhabitants of Froevixus are able to use magic related to the various elements.
  • The Place: The titular Froevixus is the world where the story takes place into.
